Each year, these iconic awards recognise those in our sport going above and beyond – highlighting the outstanding achievements across all disciplines and levels both as competitors and those who work tirelessly behind the scenes.
Nominations for the Motorsport Australia State and National Awards are now closed. Further information regarding the winners and respective celebrations will be announced shortly.
For more information, please contact awards@motorsport.org.au.
Watch the replays of the Motorsport Australia State Awards
Honour Roll: State Official of the Year
The State Motorsport Official of the Year award recognises outstanding achievement as a motorsport official at Motorsport Australia authorised events, or within a Motorsport Australia affiliated club or activity, usually at State or grassroots level.
2023: Jeffrey Scott Sims
2022: Rob O’Toole
2021: Kate Eppelstun
2020: Olive Robinson
2019: Brett Middleton
2018: Matthew Halpin
2017: Glenn Pincott
2016: Phil Thornburn
2015: Elaine Nikiforoff
2014: Michael Basquil
2013: Douglas Rae
2012: Ernie Boston
2011: Robert Hockley
2010: Kathryn Hanrahan
2009: Darren Green
2008: Norm Crompton
2007: Lance Smith
2006: David Healy
2005: Judith Rae
2004: Marion Baxter
2003: Ronald Dean
2002: Ian Bigg
2001: Jim Gardiner
2000: Gwyn Mulholland
1999: Alan Laid
1998: Neville Beyer
1997: Philip Cutajar
1996: Peggy Nelson
1995: Edward Anderson
1995: George Chrobak
1994: Allen Betts
The State Motorsport Official of the Year award recognises outstanding achievement as a motorsport official at Motorsport Australia authorised events, or within a Motorsport Australia affiliated club or activity, usually at State or grassroots level.
2023: Mark Buckingham
2022: Judith Evans
2021: Nigel Faull
2019: Rodney McDonald
2018: Athol Wilcox
2017: Susie Brook
2016: Maree Fischer
2016: Gordon Fischer
2015: Paul Howlett
2014: Greg Sewell
2013: Geoffrey Nicol
2012: John Preston
2011: Keith Butcher
2010: Barry Neuendorff
2009: Warren Skimmings
2008: John Courtenay
2007: Martin Smith
2006: John Hammond
2005: Patricia Murray
2004: Berenice Stratton
2003: Christopher Birbeck
2003: Jeanette Birbeck
2002: Keith Mackay
2002: Margaret Mackay
2001: Phillip Miller
2000: Paul Overell
1999: Fred Berge
1998: Michael Arthur
1997: Bruce Muhling
1996: Bob Wilkinson
The State Motorsport Official of the Year award recognises outstanding achievement as a motorsport official at Motorsport Australia authorised events, or within a Motorsport Australia affiliated club or activity, usually at State or grassroots level.
2023: Izarazi Singe
2022: James Whelan
2021: Janelle Orrock
2020: Kevin Raedel
2019: Jack Holding
2018: Ian Lamb
2017: Stephen Lewis
2016: Matthew Avery
2015: Marc Tillet
2014: Tony Aloi
2013: Andrew Admiraal
2012: Felicity Wood
2011: Michael Clements
2010: David Stimson
2009: Denise Strawbridge
2008: Darryl Power
2007: Fred Severin
2006: Lionel Stingers
2005: Michael Clements
2004: Steve Lisk
2003: Wayne Lamont
2002: Scott Thompson
2001: William Yan
2000: Christopher Hepden
1999: Tony Morgan
1998: Lawrie Schmitt
1997: Rob Mead
1996: Peter Hall
1995: Leyland George
The State Motorsport Official of the Year award recognises outstanding achievement as a motorsport official at Motorsport Australia authorised events, or within a Motorsport Australia affiliated club or activity, usually at State or grassroots level.
2023: Tony Mole
2022: Melanie Beets
2021: Wayne Richards
2020: Matthew von Bertouch
2018: Graham Malcolm
2017: Melissa Johnson
2016: Ross Ferguson
2015: Mark Young
2014: Greg Turner
2013: Phillip Westbrook
2011: Paul Darko
2010: Kate Lucas
2009: Keith Armitage
2008: Kevin Burt
2007: Peter Shaw
2006: Allen Hutton
2005: Andrew Lamont
2004: Terry Bracken
2003: Michael Aston-Luscombe
2002: Jennifer Beard
2001: Leon Glover
2000: Terry Atkinson
1999: Norrie Hayes
1998: Edwin O’Sullivan
The State Motorsport Official of the Year award recognises outstanding achievement as a motorsport official at Motorsport Australia authorised events, or within a Motorsport Australia affiliated club or activity, usually at State or grassroots level.
2023: Gavin Moore
2022: Mark Thompson
2021: Rhys Carleton-Carlos
2020: Nicholas Scarcella
2019: Matt Balcombe
2018: Phillip Craig
2017: Danny Jonas
2016: Michael Herlihy
2015: Peter Castledine
2014: David Bellenger
2013: Terry O’Callaghan
2012: Mark Bateman
2011: Andy Groube
2010: Bob Anderson
2009: Keith McKay
2008: Sue Jochheim
2007: Gary Birt
2006: William Bennett
2005: John Bryant
2004: Jean Bellenger
2003: Marilyn Emmins
2002: Simon Maas
2001: Ken Johnston
2000: Roger Chirnside
1999: Stuart Lister
1998: Graeme Palmer
1997: Colin Hardinge
The State Motorsport Official of the Year award recognises outstanding achievement as a motorsport official at Motorsport Australia authorised events, or within a Motorsport Australia affiliated club or activity, usually at State or grassroots level.
2023: Sheryl Swarbrick
2022: Daniel Rogers
2021: David McDonald
2020: Lynn & Ross Oxwell
2019: David Smith
2018: Paul Bartlett
2017: Doug Bell
2016: Kevin Broadbent
2015: Ross Tapper
2014: Jan Jenzen
2013: David Elliott
2012: Colin Arkell
2011: Leanne Doust
2010: Edward Curr
2009: John Thorburn
2008: Ernest (Ernie) Hastie
2007: Andrew Percival
2006: Tess Taylor
2005: Robyn Larkin
2004: Joan Percival
2003: Rodney Pearson
2002: Patricia Cosh
2001: Susan Elliot
2000: David Walker
1999: Ross McGuigan
1998: Ross McGuigan
1997: John Hurney
1996: David Farthing
1995: Paddy McNamara