Coaching - Motorsport Australia

Coaches play a pivotal role in the development of drivers across all levels and disciplines in motorsport. They shape the success and safety of drivers across all levels and disciplines. Motorsport Australia has introduced a coaching licence structure to accredit coaches and provide training for them to best perform their roles in instructing and mentoring new and existing drivers in the sport.

Available Levels

A coach provides training and guidance to drivers, focusing on enhancing their driving techniques, safety knowledge, and overall performance.

1. Apply for a licence via the Member Portal, or submit an application form

2. Apply for a Working With Children Check (WWCC)

3. Complete the Online Coaching Module

A senior coach takes a leadership role and is involved with overseeing the planning and execution of coaching activity as well as guiding and mentoring other coaches. A senior coach is required for each activity involving coaching.

1. Attain a Coaching Licence

2. Apply for a Senior Coach licence via the Member Portal, or by submitting an application form

3. Register and attend a minimum of one (1) Senior Coach Webinar

An Observed Licence Test (OLT) Assessor assesses the competencies of drivers seeking to ascertain Circuit, Rally and Off Road licences.

1. Attain a Coaching Licence

2. Apply to become an OLT Assessor

Senior Coaches Webinar



Coaches Logbook

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