
Motorsport Australia appoints Stewards in accordance with the National Competition Rules (NCR) to determine a breach of the Rules, or a protest, or to settle a conflict of interest and if necessary impose a penalty.

Certain decisions of the Stewards or another Court of the First Instance are subject to appeal in accordance with the NCR.

Motorsport Australia has delegated the power of review to specialist Tribunals and the Australian Motor Sport Appeal Court (AMSAC). The procedure for an AMSAC appeal hearing is detailed in the Judicial Appendix.

Protest/Appeal/Judicial Fees
Protest Fees
InternationalMotorsport Australia National Championship/Cup/Challenge/Trophy/Series Each other Competition except ClubClub (including Multi-Club)Bond

*In the case of a protest referring to an alleged non-compliance of an Automobile and which requires the dismantling/re-assembly of components, a Bond (in addition to the Protest Fee) may be applied by the Stewards following advice from the Technical Delegate (if appointed) or the Chief Scrutineer on the expected costs of the dismantling/re-assembly.

Appeal Fees
AMSACMotorsport Australia National Championship/Cup/Challenge/Trophy/Series Each other Competition except ClubClub (including Multi-Club)
Judicial Forms
General Information

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