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New South Wales (Roads and Maritime Services)
The conditional registration scheme available in NSW is known as the Rally Vehicle Scheme or RVS provided by the NSW Roads and Maritime Services (RMS).
Northern Territory (Motor Vehicle Registry)
Motorsport Australia has established a dedicated rally vehicle scheme with the Motor Vehicle Registry (NT). The link below contains the steps involved in applying for Dedicated Rally Plates.
Queensland (Department of Transport and Main Roads)
The conditional registration scheme available in Queensland is known as Rally Vehicle Registration Scheme or RVRS provided by the Department of Transport & Main Roads.
South Australia (Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure)
The conditional registration scheme available in SA is known as the Dedicated Rally Vehicle Scheme or DRV provided by the SA Department of Planning, Transport & Infrastructure.
Tasmania (Department of Transport Tas)
There are a number of types of conditional registration available in Tasmania, all of which applications are made directly to Department of Transport Tasmania. The links to each scheme are below:
Victoria (VicRoads)
The Rally Permit Scheme caters for vehicles used in rallies organised by a national motorsport organisation recognised by VicRoads. Rally permits are a 12-month unregistered vehicle permit (UVP) identified with a ‘rally permit’ number plate.
Please submit the completed application to memberservices@motorsport.org.au for endorsement.
Western Australia (Department of Transport WA)
Motorsport Australia is currently working with the Department of Transport on the development of the Dedicated Rally Vehicle (DRV) scheme.
At this stage, there is no implementation date set. In the meantime rally vehicles can access the road network through the current Dedicated Rally Vehicle Program documents below.