Licence Suspensions

In keeping with accepted practice by most sporting authorities in the world the Motorsport Australia Board has determined that decisions with respect to licence suspensions or disqualifications should be published. This is both a matter of good governance and transparency. Most importantly, it ensures that the various stakeholders in the sport, particularly event organisers, are aware of licence suspensions and disqualifications.  

Accordingly, from 1 August 2014, Motorsport Australia published on our website the following:

a. First and last name of affected individual.
b. Penalty imposed.
c. Duration of penalty.

From 1 March 2020, Motorsport Australia expanded to include positive readings of Alcohol and Illicit Drug Testing results.

The licences of the following individuals have been suspended or disqualified:

Doug Bell: Suspension (Indefinite)
Andrew Bowen (NSW): 
Suspension (Officials Licence only) (Indefinite)
Karl Drummond (WA)
: Suspension (Indefinite)
Oscar Ciernohorsky: Suspension (Indefinite)
Ben Collett: Suspension & Fine (Indefinite)
Jack Dunn: Suspension (Officials Licence only) (Indefinite)
William Gaff: Suspension (Officials Licence only) (Indefinite)
Paul GreerSuspension (Indefinite)
Andrew Harris (VIC): Suspension (Indefinite)
Tristan Kent: Suspension (Indefinite)
David Macefield: Suspension (Indefinite)
Adrian Menzel: Suspension (Indefinite)
Andrew Percival: Suspension (Indefinite)
Paul Phillips (NSW):
 Suspension (Indefinite)
Jason Reading: Suspension (Indefinite)
Tim Shaw (TAS): Suspension (Indefinite)
Jeremy Stirling: Suspension (Indefinite)
Scott Sweeney (QLD): Suspension (Indefinite)
John Zyzniewski (QLD): Suspension (Indefinite)

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