Motorsport Australia is committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all those involved in our motorsport activities and events, and in making certain that all licence holders adhere to and comply with National Competition Rules, the Motorsport Australia National Integrity Framework, all other relevant rules and regulations.
In keeping with accepted practice by most sporting authorities in the world the Motorsport Australia Board has determined that decisions with respect to licence suspensions or disqualifications should be published. This is both a matter of good governance and transparency. Most importantly, it ensures that the various stakeholders in the sport, particularly event organisers, are aware of licence suspensions and disqualifications.
Motorsport Australia therefore maintains a public Current Sanction Register to promote transparency and accountability within the motorsport community and in line with our organisational objectives.
The Register records sanctions made against an individual and/or organisations who have previously received or are currently under a sanction issued by Motorsport Australia, Sport Integrity Australia (SIA), the National Sports Tribunal, and/or the Federation Internationale de l’Automobile (FIA).
These sanctions may prohibit an individual or organisation/s from solely holding a Motorsport Australia licence or may extend to including prohibitions on attendance at Motorsport Australia permitted event and/or licence venues for the duration of the sanction.
Motorsport Australia notes that for any anti-doping sanctions, an individual or organisation may be prohibited from accessing a Motorsport Australia affiliated club, affiliated athletes, training venues, and from participation in any Motorsport Australia sanctioned activity for the duration of the sanction, in line with the Australian National Anti-Doping Policy.
Eric Butler-Henderson
Name: Eric Butler-Henderson
State: WA
Date of Sanction: April 2017
Breach: National Competition Rules
Sanction: Indefinite ban from holding any Motorsport Australia licence and from participating in any motorsport activity permitted by Motorsport Australia or a Motorsport Australia affiliated club
Oscar Ciernohorsky
Name: Oscar Ciernohorsky
State: VIC
Date of Sanction: July 2016
Breach: National Competition Rules
Sanction: Indefinite ban from holding any Motorsport Australia licence and from participating in any motorsport activity permitted by Motorsport Australia or a Motorsport Australia affiliated club
Ben Collett
Name: Ben Collett
State: QLD
Date of Sanction: November 2016
Breach: National Competition Rules
Sanction: Indefinite ban from holding any Motorsport Australia licence and from participating in any motorsport activity permitted by Motorsport Australia or a Motorsport Australia affiliated club
Karl Drummond
Name: Karl Drummond
State: WA
Date of Sanction: October 2021
Breach: National Competition Rules
Sanction: Indefinite ban from holding any Motorsport Australia licence and from participating in any motorsport activity permitted by Motorsport Australia or a Motorsport Australia affiliated club
Jack Dunn
Name: Jack Dunn
State: WA
Date of Sanction: July 2019
Breach: National Competition Rules
Sanction: Indefinite ban from holding any Motorsport Australia licence and from participating in any motorsport activity permitted by Motorsport Australia or a Motorsport Australia affiliated club
Richard Espray
Name: Richard Espray
State: QLD
Date of Sanction: March 2022
Breach: National Competition Rules
Sanction: Indefinite ban from holding any Motorsport Australia licence and from participating in any motorsport activity permitted by Motorsport Australia or a Motorsport Australia affiliated club
Anthony Floyd
Name: Anthony Floyd
State: WA
Date of Sanction: July 2023
Breach: National Competition Rules
Sanction: Indefinite ban from holding any Motorsport Australia licence and from participating in any motorsport activity permitted by Motorsport Australia or a Motorsport Australia affiliated club
Andrew Harris
Name: Andrew Harris
State: VIC
Date of Sanction: May 2020
Breach: National Competition Rules
Sanction: Indefinite ban from holding any Motorsport Australia licence and from participating in any motorsport activity permitted by Motorsport Australia or a Motorsport Australia affiliated club
Tristan Kent
Name: Tristan Kent
State: ACT
Date of Sanction: January 2020
Breach: National Competition Rules
Sanction: Indefinite ban from holding any Motorsport Australia licence and from participating in any motorsport activity permitted by Motorsport Australia or a Motorsport Australia affiliated club
David Macefield
Name: David Macefield
State: QLD
Date of Sanction: February 2023
Breach: National Competition Rules
Sanction: Indefinite ban from holding any Motorsport Australia licence and from participating in any motorsport activity permitted by Motorsport Australia or a Motorsport Australia affiliated club
Daniel Moore
Name: Daniel Moore
State: VIC
Date of Sanction: April 2021
Breach: National Competition Rules
Sanction: Indefinite ban from holding any Motorsport Australia licence and from participating in any motorsport activity permitted by Motorsport Australia or a Motorsport Australia affiliated club
Andrew Percival
Name: Andrew Percival
State: WA
Date of Sanction: May 2020
Breach: National Competition Rules
Sanction: Indefinite ban from holding any Motorsport Australia licence and from participating in any motorsport activity permitted by Motorsport Australia or a Motorsport Australia affiliated club
Emlyn Pickstock
Name: Emlyn Pickstock
State: SA
Date of Sanction: July 2017
Breach: National Competition Rules
Sanction: Indefinite ban from holding any Motorsport Australia licence and from participating in any motorsport activity permitted by Motorsport Australia or a Motorsport Australia affiliated club
Timothy Shaw
Name: Timothy Shaw
State: TAS
Date of Sanction: October 2022
Breach: National Integrity Framework & National Competition Rules
Sanction: Indefinite ban from holding any Motorsport Australia licence and from participating in any motorsport activity permitted by Motorsport Australia or a Motorsport Australia affiliated club
Jeremy Stirling
Name: Jeremy Stirling
State: NSW
Date of Sanction: June 2021
Breach: National Competition Rules
Sanction: Indefinite ban from holding any Motorsport Australia licence and from participating in any motorsport activity permitted by Motorsport Australia or a Motorsport Australia affiliated club
Scott Sweeney
Name: Scott Sweeney
State: QLD
Date of Sanction: May 2022
Breach: National Competition Rules
Sanction: Indefinite ban from holding any Motorsport Australia licence and from participating in any motorsport activity permitted by Motorsport Australia or a Motorsport Australia affiliated club
Gregory Whitford
Name: Gregory Whitford
State: SA
Date of Sanction: November 2017
Breach: National Competition Rules
Sanction: Indefinite ban from holding any Motorsport Australia licence and from participating in any motorsport activity permitted by Motorsport Australia or a Motorsport Australia affiliated club
John Zyzniewski
Name: John Zyzniewski
State: QLD
Date of Sanction: September 2022
Breach: National Competition Rules
Sanction: Indefinite ban from holding any Motorsport Australia licence and from participating in any motorsport activity permitted by Motorsport Australia or a Motorsport Australia affiliated club
Important Note: Motorsport Australia affiliated clubs and event organisers are within their rights to issue bans to suspended individuals where safety is in issue. Please contact Motorsport Australia via if you have concerns and would like support and advice to implement this at your venue.
Josh Blakeney
Name: Josh Blakeney
State: VIC
Date of Sanction: 28 February 2025
Breach: National Competition Rules
- Mr Blakeney’s Motorsport Australia Speed licence is suspended for a period until 31 December 2025, of which NO Motorsport Australia competing activities are to be undertaken.
- Six (6) months of the licence suspension is to be suspended, allowing Mr Blakeney to return to competition from 1 July 2025. This is conditional upon Mr Blakeney not being found guilty, within the 2025 calendar year, of a breach of NCR 83. In the event that Mr Blakeney is found by Stewards or a Tribunal to have breached NCR 83, his licence will be actively suspended for the remaining six months, commencing from the date of the finding.
Lance Jones
Name: Lance Jones
State: TAS
Date of Sanction: 7 November 2024
Breach: Member Protection Policy
Sanction: All Motorsport Australia licences suspended for a period until 30 September 2025, of which NO Motorsport Australia officiating or competing activities are to be undertaken.
Joseph (Joey) Mawson
Name: Joseph (Joey) Mawson
State: NSW
Date of Sanction: 13 May 2023
Anti-Doping Rule Violation
• Presence of a Prohibited Substance on 13 May 2023 as prescribed by Article 2.1 of the ANADP;
• Use of a Prohibited Substance on and/or before 13 May 2023 as prescribed by Article 2.2 of the ANADP; and
• Possession of a Prohibited Substance on 14 March 2023 to on and/or around 13 September 2023 as prescribed by Article 2.6 of the ANADP
Ineligible to participate in any sports that have adopted a World Anti-Doping Code compliant anti-doping policy for a three (3) year period, until 13 May 2026.
Also not permitted to compete in a non-Signatory professional league or Event organised by a non-Signatory International Event organisation or a non-Signatory national-level event organisation.