The main roles of the Event Command Official are as follows.
Manage the safety of those involved in the event, including:-
General public, Spectators, Officials, Competitors, Service and pit crew, Ensure the integrity of the course, including the security of the course, road closures and ensuring there is no accidental intrusion.
Control the event, including emergencies, Maintain the event time table and program and modify as necessary, Apply Motorsport Australia Rules and Event Supplementary Regulations, Co-ordinate officials at the event, Manage Incidents, Ensure Emergency Plan is implemented when and if needed, Liaise with Civil Authorities, Ensure relevant permissions are obtained, Promote the event, General Public, Prospective Competitors, Officials
In addition to these general roles, are roles which are specific to each discipline.
The Learning Objectives for this module are:
- Apply communication techniques appropriate to the various roles within the event command team environment
- Identify the roles and structure of motorsport events
- Identify protocols for communicating within an event command environment
- Describe the judicial process potentially flowing from a motorsports event
- Apply Motorsport Australia Safety 1st requirements
- Identify Motorsport Australia Integrity policies and procedures
- Identify Gender and Cultural Awareness