COVID-19 Motorsport Australia Update

With restrictions easing across the country, the return of grassroots motorsport is edging closer.
While this is certainly an exciting prospect, Motorsport Australia would like to remind all licence holders that due to the various government restrictions in place events cannot be run as they had prior to the COVID-19 outbreak.
All staff at Motorsport Australia stand ready to assist event organisers prepare for the gradual return of events, starting with smaller grassroots events, before the return of larger competitions, including our state and national championships in the coming months.
Your licence expiry has been updated
As previously announced, those with a National or Clubman Licence will receive an automatic extension on their licence to reflect the lack of motorsport activity in recent months.
This extension has now been applied to your licence, with your new expiry date now listed on your account which you can view on the Motorsport Australia member portal.
You do not need a new licence card, and licence checkers at events will be made aware of the change to your expiry date once events resume.
More information about the licence expiry extension is available here.
Return To Race – Online Resource Centre
You may have already heard about our Return To Race strategy document, which highlights the procedures that will need to be put in place for an event to be held.
As part of this strategy, we have built a COVID-19 Resource Centre that outlines the requirements for event organisers, officials and competitors.
Ultimately, events in each state and territory could look different based on the government restrictions that are currently in place. While one event may be allowed a certain number, another in a different state may not be able to. It’s important to understand there may be more information required than in previous years, but our passionate staff are available to assist to make your event run smoothly and safely.
The team at Motorsport Australia will continue to stay on top of all restrictions and provide the latest information via a state-by-state breakdown on our COVID-19 Resource Centre.
Motorsport Australia is encouraging members of the motorsport community to download the Federal Government’s COVIDSafe app.
The free app is available on both Android and Apple devices and has been released to manage the risk of any further COVID-19 (Coronavirus) outbreaks as various governments begin the relaxation of current restrictions on Australians, including restrictions on motorsport activities.
Event organisers will also be encouraging participants to download the app. On the off chance a person who attended a motorsport event tests positive to COVID-19, the app will allow those who were in close contact to be contacted as soon as possible.
You can download the app here.

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