WA Update from CEO Eugene Arocca - 25 June

WA Update from CEO Eugene Arocca – 25 June

To the Western Australia motorsport community,
I write to provide an update on the latest information for those planning to attend, compete in or organise motorsport events in your state.
We are extremely pleased to see restrictions easing in WA. We look forward to seeing events return in larger numbers over the coming weeks and months, including the opportunity for spectators to attend sporting events.
By now, you will likely be familiar with our Return To Race strategy, which many clubs have used to host events successfully and safely. This document is a key component for anyone planning an event and ensures that we do our best to reduce the risks associated with COVID-19.
For the short-term, the requirements outlined in Return To Race will continue to apply to motorsport events in Western Australia. This includes the appointment of a dedicated COVID-19 Checker, the completion of a Venue Plan and other risk mitigating factors.
Spectators are expected to be allowed at events in line with the government restrictions, however events will have a responsibility to ensure risks are minimised, including the use of hand sanitiser stations and the installation of COVID-19 signage, for example.
While the risk of catching COVID-19 from a motorsport event in Western Australia is very low, we need to ensure that motorsport does its part to protect the community from any further outbreaks and that all our events follow best practice for everyone’s safety.
All of us at Motorsport Australia are fully aware that some of these requirements mean there will be some extra preparation work that needs to be carried out prior to any event. Our team stands ready to assist you, and we will obviously do everything possible to assist event organisers and competitors where possible, making sure the process is in no way onerous or extremely time consuming. Like you, we want to see motorsport back up and running at full steam as soon as possible across the state, with as many people in attendance as can safely be managed.
Our internal COVID-19 Working Group meets regularly and will continue to discuss the various restrictions in each state and how our Return To Race strategy will be implemented across the country. We recognise that each state is different and as it stands today, the preparation and planning required to run an event in Victoria compared to an event held in WA is going to be understandably different given the rate of infection in each state.
For now, we encourage you to contact us should you have any queries about any upcoming event you may be planning and look forward to seeing you back in action soon.

Euguene Arocca 
Motorsport Australia CEO

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