Wakefield return to reignite the passion of motorsport

Wakefield return to reignite the passion of motorsport

(Photos: Priceless Images)
The Motorsport Australia New South Wales Motor Race Championships at Wakefield Park are one of the events taking place this weekend.
After missing just one round in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Motorsport Australia New South Wales Motor Race Championships resumes this weekend with Wakefield Park to host the highly anticipated return event.
In the racetrack’s second round this year, around 125 entries spread across seven categories are expected to race this weekend with competitors from New South Wales and Queensland making up the majority of competitors.
Running over the weekend will be regular state categories Formula Vee, Sports Sedans, Production Sports, Super Sports, Holden HQs, Production Touring and Superkarts.

With Wakefield Park utilising the Motorsport Australia Return to Race guidelines, a number of safety measures will be implemented such as enforcing social distancing and limited numbers in garages, sending out a digital Drivers’ Briefing beforehand and placing sanitiser stations around the circuit.

Circuit Operation Manager Dean Chapman was excited for the return of racing to Wakefield Park and was pleased with the responses of everyone involved in the event.
“We are a little bit smaller than we usually are, but it’s still going to be a busy schedule because of the great support from most categories. We have a healthy amount of entries,” Chapman said.
“We are happy with not only the responses of the drivers, but also their willingness to comply with the modifications, especially in regard to support crew. These measures ensure we run the meeting in a safe environment.
“The officials have also been super helpful. They are just as keen to get back as the drivers, so much so that they have all volunteered to drive to Wakefield and back to their respective homes each day, with some coming as far as Queensland, as a way to help with lowering gathering numbers.
“It’s a joint team effort from everyone just to get this event up. The officials were the first ones to put up their hands up to do what they could for the betterment of this event and it’s just been pleasing to see.

“Personally, the officials have been just so fantastic in this whole process because they don’t want to put a strain on the event, so I am so thankful for their understanding and their support and I can’t wait to have more of them back here in September.”

Not only did Chapman appreciate a positive response from officials as Wakefield Park hosts one of the first major circuit events in the state, but from drivers too.
With the COVID-19 forcing a short break in racing due to Government restrictions, Chapman believes the hiatus has reignited the motorsport passion some people may have lost.
“We can see how motivated people are at the moment. There may have been a little case of taking motorsport for granted in previous years, but I think this little bug has re-lit the fire in many people’s bellies,” Chapman explained.
“It’s not just the people I saw a few months ago at the track that are itching to get back, it’s the people who haven’t come to the track for six to 12 months who are so keen to get going again.
“I think people will appreciate motorsport now more than ever because they have been refined to sitting at home and reminiscing over the past few months. To see people willing to do whatever it takes to get back out and unite with one another makes me proud to see.
“Everyone is going to have to adapt in some way or another. Whether it be minor or major, but really, we have had such wonderful support from all the categories and their members.
“I can’t wait for this weekend and I am sure a lot more others are feeling the same way.”



The Motorsport Australia New South Wales Motor Race Championships second round takes place at Wakefield Park on 11-12 July.

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