Hill climb Championship to next run in 2021

Hill climb Championship to next run in 2021

Photo: CH Images
The Motorsport Australia Hill Climb Championship will not run in 2020.
Scheduled to take place at the Mount Cotton Hill Climb in November, the MG Car Club of Queensland, together with Motorsport Australia, has chosen not to run the event this year and continue with it next year at a similar time. 
The decision was made due to the current state border restrictions around the country, with Queensland’s borders currently closed off to a number of different states. 
The club’s Honorary Secretary Malcolm Spiden said the club was understandably disappointed, but will host the event next year. 
“MG Car Club of Queensland, in consultation with Motorsport Australia, has decided that as the borders between Australian states are effectively closed, national championships are not able to be conducted this year,” Spiden said in the release.  
“Thus, the 2020 Motorsport Australia Hill Climb Championship scheduled for 5-8 November at Mount Cotton will not able to be held as planned.
“It is anticipated the 2021 Motorsport Australia Hill Climb Championship will be able to be held at Mount Cotton.”

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