The Deniliquin Sporting Car Club are back in action for the second time in three months this weekend with the club running a joint autocross and junior khanacross at its usual base in Deniliquin.
While numbers are slightly lower than usual, the club have still been working hard to try and get the events running as normal as they can.
Based along the New South Wales and Victorian border, half the club’s members live below the state line and have, until now, been unable to attend any events since the start of the year.
Now, with a special bubble allowing residents who live within 50km of the border to travel to the other side, the club has been able to warmly welcome a number of its Victorian members back to the club.
For event secretary Gavan Nolan, while the last few months have proved difficult, the club has remained determined to hold as many events for their members as they can, no matter the numbers.
“We have run three events over the past few months and it’s been great, but it’s been tough as we have struggled with numbers due to the restrictions,” Nolan said.
“Hopefully we will be okay this weekend as we have a few Victorians allowed to make their way up as they are close to the border. Members from Shepparton and Swan Hill may actually be able to come, which would be fantastic.
“For us, this weekend is a bit of a dip our toe in the water as we are trying to get everyone into the swing of competing on Sundays again.

“Once we made the decision about running events for our members, there was no stopping. We are technically running at a loss at the moment as we aren’t having our usual numbers attend but it’s more important to give drivers the opportunity.
“If we can keep it going, then we can hopefully build up to normal again. I feel that the more events we do and the more presence we have, the more our members and drivers know we’re still here.
“With that said, we’re looking forward to next year when things get back to normal.”
The duration of this weekend’s event depends entirely on how many people attend with competitors likely to have between seven and nine runs on the club’s autocross circuit.
Participating juniors will also get an opportunity for more seat time with the club to run a special khanacross for them during lunchtime.
Following on from this weekend’s autocross, the club will then look to run two more for the rest of the year, one of 15 November and the other on 12 December.
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