Paynter in love with motorsport now more than ever

Paynter in love with motorsport now more than ever

Stacey Paynter is just one of many volunteers associated with Motorsport Australia officials to be celebrated this weekend.
When Stacey Paynter first got involved in motorsport, it was through her neighbours and although she was just 12-years-old, from that moment, she was hooked.
For the next 10 years, she spent her free time competing at a number of local and club events until she reached her early 20s and decided to try the other popular aspect of motorsport – being an official.
Joining up as a general official, she thrived in her new found passion with the car enthusiast soon making the switch to something she was really itching to do, scrutineering. It was in this area where Paynter really kicked into gear and excelled as a Motorsport Australia official.

She was so good in her role that not long after she joined, she was promoted to Chief Scrutineer – a position she has continued to hold until she moved to Queensland last year.

Of course Paynter has also spent time doing a variety of other high end official roles in addition to competing regularly, which she continued until last year, including secretary, club chief steward, clerk of course and course trainer.

As a mother of four, Paynter has found a happy balance in her life between family, work and motorsport where she has been impressive on so many levels. 
“There are many aspects about being an official that I love. I enjoy the leadership, the challenge and meeting new people. With the scrutineering factor, I enjoy the safety aspect of it as well,” Paynter said.
“People talk about motorsport being dangerous and of course it is. But I think one thing I enjoy is how the competitors, team members and officials are progressing even more to make it safer despite the fact it’s getting faster.
“After 10 years, I still love being an official. I actually did my silver module last year and was hoping to have completed my practical assessment of it this year at one of the bigger meetings, but unfortunately it didn’t happen due to obvious reasons.
“I don’t see myself as special or a standout, just passionate. As a mother of four beautiful children, it took me a long time to realise that I could continue to grow in the things I love, and now I am a happier person and a better mum.
“I really think that being a female and a mother should not stop someone from doing what they want to do in life.”
While Paynter has done well in the sport from her own point of view, the 33-year-old has remained grounded in her success and pays credit to the Swan Hill Sporting Car Club for her achievements.
“Of course, no one is ever successful on their own without a team of like-minded individuals working together,” Paynter added.
“I am very lucky to have the support of the entire committee and volunteer group at the Swan Hill Sporting Car Club.

“From the Paynter family, the Gibsons, Donnans and Middletons in particular, who have served the club for 100 plus years collectively to the Pollard family who were the ones to introduce me to motorsport.

“There are more, however these are the standout families who have grown and developed the club to what it is today.”

The FIA Volunteers Weekend takes place on 28-29 November with all officials around the world to be celebrated for their contributions to the sport.

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