May and Brown receive high Presidential honour

May and Brown receive high Presidential honour

Photo: Clinton Plowman
Brent May (pictured) and Dr Jeff Brown are the two recipients of the 2020 Presidential Citations.
Motorsport Australia is pleased to announce Dr Brent May and Dr Jeff Brown as the two recipients of the 2020 Presidential Citations.
Both individuals have been major contributors to Australian motorsport over a significant period of time, but their efforts in 2020 saw them achieve special recognition for their dedication to the sport.
In 2020, Dr May was vital in providing consultation to Motorsport Australia and other organisations including Supercars and the Australian Grand Prix Corporation, as the sport navigated its way through the challenging COVID-19 pandemic
With the cancellation of the 2020 Formula 1 Rolex Australian Grand Prix making it clear that COVID-19 had reached Australian shores, Dr May, as Chief Medical Officer provided important advice to Motorsport Australia and its stakeholders throughout the uncertain days and months of 2020.
From many early morning starts to late night finishes, Dr May remained calm throughout the stressful and ever-changing environment, going above and beyond to assist with the creation of Motorsport Australia’s Return to Race Plan and ensure that events ran to the highest safety standard.
May’s positive contributions to the sport extend far beyond 2020 with the Victorian having combined his knowledge for medicine and passion for motorsport for decades.
“It’s an amazing honour to receive this award and I feel I receive the citation on behalf of all the front line personnel that have worked so hard throughout the extraordinary year we experienced,” May said.
“The award also serves as recognition to all those medical officials that give up so much time volunteering their skills at events every year, not just of 2020. For me, we are all involved in motor sport for the love, not the accolades, but it’s always fantastic to receive recognition for our efforts.
“The extreme and dynamic nature of the way the pandemic affected all aspects of the sport was a stand out for me. I was impressed by how quickly Motorsport Australia, Supercars, clubs and categories responded to the crisis and were the leading organisations in Australia.
“I would like to thank Andrew Fraser, Eugene Arocca, Michael Smith and Motorsport Australia for the award and for their confidence in the work we achieved during a very difficult period. I look forward to much better times.”
Like Dr May, Dr Brown’s passion for the sport and in particular, historic motorsport saw provide his technical knowledge and extensive experience to help Motorsport Australia in developing the event entry software.
Investing his own time and money, Dr Brown developed an online tool known as MotorEventEntry to allow entrants to upload their details and pay their entry fees for upcoming events. It also assisted event organisers to track and note the entrants for their events.
In 2014, Dr Brown generously provided his program to Motorsport Australia which was rebranded as CAMS Event Entry. In addition, he devoted his time and knowledge to travel around Australia and teach clubs, event organisers and members how to use the system.
Dr Brown’s innovative program ultimately provided the foundations for the new Motorsport Australia Event System and he once again provided his time to help shape the intuitive program and guide the developers.
“I have been involved with Motorsport Australia for a long time both in administration and as a driver, so it’s an honour to not only contribute to the motorsport community, but to be recognised with such a prestigious award for it,” Brown said.
“I just felt it was clear an online system was needed and when I began building the system, which I initially used for the historic clubs around the country, the focus was to make it easier for the entrants and easier for the event organiser, which I believe it was.
“I was delighted when Motorsport Australia eventually took it on and clubs still use it today. Many people question why it’s still free, but for me it’s not about making money, it’s about giving back and helping.
“It’s fantastic and I am honoured. It’s very nice for Eugene Arocca and Motorsport Australia to think of me as a recipient of the award and I hope I can contribute to my sporting community for many years to come.”

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