2021 Anti-Doping Policy

2021 Anti-Doping Policy

Photo: Dan Thompson
Motorsport Australia recently approved its 2021 Anti-Doping Policy which came into effect on 1 January 2021.
The Motorsport Australia anti-doping policy is the new Australian National Anti-Doping Policy established by Sport Integrity Australia and can be found on the Motorsport Australia website here
All members, participants and non-participants in Motorsport are bound by these rules. This includes athletes, support personnel and employees whose employment contracts enables this.
It is important that all members understand their obligations under the new policy. Changes include a new anti-doping rule violation of retaliation, a category of athletes that is lower-level and flexibility related to sanctioning for certain levels of athletes/participants.

What is sport integrity?

Sport is an Australian way of life. It brings people together, transcending differences in language, ability, culture and beliefs, and provides physical, social and economic benefits.
Threats to sports integrity include competition-manipulation, doping and behaviours that impact people’s positive experience of sport, such as discrimination or abuse.
Integrity in sport means that athletes, supporters and fans can participate, confident in the knowledge that they are part of a safe, ethical and inclusive environment.
Motorsport Australia takes integrity seriously and all members have an obligation to protect and maintain the integrity of sport, as well as each individual’s health and wellbeing.
We work closely with Sport Integrity Australia, the federal agency established to prevent and deal with integrity threats in sport. For more information visit the Sport Integrity Australia website.
Contact with the Motorsport Australia Integrity Department can be made via integrity@motorsport.org.au.

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