Counterfeit harness warning

Counterfeit harness warning

Using counterfeit products puts competitors at risk of severe injury or death.

Motorsport Australia has been made aware of counterfeit SFI labels on driver restraints sold by RASTuning Parts on Amazon.
Anyone who has recently purchased RASTuning Parts (as pictured) should be aware these harnesses do not meet applicable SFI specifications, despite counterfeit labels suggesting otherwise.
RASTuning Parts harnesses have not been submitted for testing and are not certified, endorsed or approved by SFI. As such, Motorsport Australia will not allow any competitor using these products to take part in Motorsport Australia sanctioned events.
Counterfeit products may appear with or without brand names. Genuine SFI conformance labels contain hidden security features and slightly different fonts and materials.
Using counterfeit products puts competitors at risk of severe injury or death.

For further information, please refer to the SFI website here.

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