TARGA Investigatory Tribunal calls for submissions

TARGA Investigatory Tribunal calls for submissions

The Investigatory Tribunal established to investigate the circumstances surrounding the fatalities in this year’s Targa Tasmania, and to make appropriate recommendations, is inviting submissions from interested parties.

The Tribunal, comprised of experienced competitor (and former Targa Tasmania winner) Neal Bates, lawyer and competitor Matthew Selley and chaired by AIMSS Chairman Garry Connelly AM, has already received and reviewed a substantial volume of documentary evidence and taken evidence from a number of witnesses. 

It is now seeking input from other parties who have competed or officiated in the event, or in other tarmac rally events, or from other individuals who wish to provide information to assist the Tribunal in its investigation and findings.

Submissions can be made by clicking here.

Specifically, submissions are requested in relation to the two incidents which resulted in the fatalities but also in relation to other incidents at this year’s event, and submissions in relation to mitigating risk and avoiding serious accidents in tarmac rallies in future.  It is not necessary to make a submission about each matter.

This link also allows for the uploading of photos and documents.

The Tribunal would like to receive all submissions by July 31, 2021.

Submissions may be marked as “Confidential” or “Public”.

For further information please contact the Tribunal Executive Officer, Tamara Joy tjoy@motorsport.org.au

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