Victorian Government opens latest round of grant applications

Victorian Government opens latest round of grant applications

The Motorsport Australia Victorian State Circuit Racing Championships have receieved Government funding towards its final round. (Photo: Revved Photography)

Infrastructure Upgrades and Equipment Funding

Another round of the Victorian Government’s Community Motorsport Program has officially opened, with Motorsport Australia affiliated clubs in Victoria now able to apply for another round of Infrastructure and Equipment grants.

Open until 11:59pm on 10 November 2021, Victorian clubs can apply for either infrastructure development grants of up to $500,000, or grants to help purchase equipment up to the value of $50,000.
Twelve clubs, including the Ararat Car Club and the MG Car Club of Victoria, were successful in receiving Infrastructure and Equipment grants in the first round of funding.
Rob Roy Hill Climb project manager at MG Car Club Victoria, Ian Prior was thrilled with the funding and what it would do for the region.  
“The funds will make a significant difference to the operation of the venue and ensure a better competitor, volunteer and spectator experience – the whole community will benefit,” Prior said.
Click here for more information.


Motorsport Club Assistance Funding 

More than 100 grant applications were successful during the second round of the program, with funds dedicated toward Safety and Operational Equipment, Volunteer and Officials Training, Women and Girls Participation, and Events and Activities. 
Click here to view a full listing of already approved grant recipients. 
Some of the successful clubs to receive funding included the Ballarat Light Car Club, who received $10,000 for participation and safety equipment, the Lotus Club Victoria who used its $5000 funding to run a women and girls ‘Beyond Driver Training’ Program, and the Motorsport Australia Victorian State Circuit Racing Championships, who received $20,000 for their fifth round of the 2021 season.

Minister for Community Sport Ros Spence was pleased to see so many clubs receive funding and was excited for what they would it was do for the growth of motorsport. 
“We’re backing Victoria’s motorsport clubs to grow their membership and improve the experience they can offer at all levels of participation and competition,” Spence said.

“Support for events and infrastructure are important, and so is training and education for the volunteers who are the heart and soul of clubs across the state.”

Motorsport Australia CEO Eugene Arocca echoed Spence’s comments and believed the program would be very beneficial. 
“These financial assistance programs are fantastic opportunities for clubs to receive money for their projects,” Arocca added.

“It’s been a tough 18 months for all of us in the sporting community, and I am sure the Community Motorsport Program will go a long way in helping Victorian grassroots clubs.

“It might not be something clubs have considered, so I encourage them to consider making  an application as soon as possible. Our staff are always willing to assist with completing applications and as has already been seen, hundreds of thousands of dollars in grants have already been made to our clubs.”

The Victorian Government’s Motorsport Club Assistance program is currently open, and applications will remain open until 21 December, 2021

The current round of applications for Infrastructure and Equipment will close on 10 November, 2021.

Click here for more information on the Community Motorsport Program.

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