National motorkhana to run in 2022

National motorkhana to run in 2022

(Photo: Brian Shanahan)
The 2021 Motorsport Australia Motorkhana Championship has been postponed to 2022.

The 2021 Motorsport Australia Motorkhana Championship scheduled for 16-17 October will not run this year.  
Ongoing border restrictions across multiple states meant the Holden Sporting Car Club of Queensland’s made the difficult decision to call off the event.  
Motorsport Australia and the club club agreed it was not viable to host the event if representatives from the majority of states could not attend.  
Holden Sporting Car Club of Queensland Secretary, Adrian Tyler revealed it was a disappointing decision but remained hopeful the club would get the chance to hold the event next year.  
“Due to the ongoing COVID crisis, our club has taken the difficult decision to cancel the 2021 Australian Motorkhana Championship,” Tyler said.  
“This decision has not been taken lightly, but the club’s view is that with current border restrictions and the unlikely representation from all Australian states, the Holden Sporting Car Club of Queensland would rather cancel the event for 2021 than hold it at a reduced capacity.  
“Hopefully by 2022, the social conditions may be more conducive to running a successful championship which includes everyone from every state.”  
Motorsport Australia will provide further updates on other scheduled auto and speed test Championships in the coming weeks.  

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