Grafton resumes hill climb season with opening round

Grafton resumes hill climb season with opening round

New South Wales’ resumption of motorsport continues this weekend with the Grafton Sporting Car Club running a round of its multi-club hill climb series. 
After two failed attempts, the club will finally get the opportunity to run the first round of the season after heavy rainfall and COVID-19 restrictions forced postponements to previous dates.
The event’s location is outside of the COVID impacted parts of the state, so can go ahead in line with current restrictions imposed across the state.
For the first time in a long time, the club will welcome a full capacity of 70 competitors to an event, with each driver scheduled to get between four and five runs of the Mountain View Motor Sport Complex course. 
Headlining the entry list on the weekend and likely to be the fastest tin top is Darryl Small who is behind the wheel of a 1986 Commodore VL. In an added bonus for the club, the field will also include five women and five juniors. 
Click here to view the entry list. 
Grafton Sporting Car Club President Graham Merry was relieved the event could finally go ahead this weekend and was thrilled with the amount of people attending. 
“We’re really keen to get back and the fact that there were 75 people entered at one point is a really good sign of people’s enthusiasm,” Merry said. 
“It’s very special to finally be running an event and to have so many people interested is an added bonus. 
“We’re blessed to be in an area where there is no COVID and we feel really good to be able to bring this event to our members because people are really keen to compete – we have received plenty of good feedback. 
“In the previous three rounds, we had around 62 entries and we have been around that mark since the resurgence of people’s interest a few years back. 
“But to be at full capacity with a waiting list is the first time for as long as I can remember is amazing and I think it comes down to people just being desperate to do some motorsport. 
“Rain cancelled our first round and COVID our second, so we’re stoked to finally get the ‘first round’ out of the way – although this Sunday is forecast to be wet so it should be interesting.” 
With uncertainty surrounding the rest of the round, the club is unsure as to whether it will hold the final two rounds and could decide to call this weekend its season finale. 

The first round of the Grafton Sporting Car Club’s 2021 multi-club hill climb series will take place at Mountain View Motor Sport Complex on Sunday 26 September. 

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