Tassie championships join forces at Symmons Plains

Tassie championships join forces at Symmons Plains

Photos: Angryman Photography

The fifth round of the 2021 Motorsport Australia Tasmanian Circuit Championship gets underway this weekend with the Light Car Club of Tasmania hosting the meeting for the third time this year.
Taking place at Symmons Plains Raceway, the event will also serve as the third round of the Motorsport Australia Tasmania Supersprint Championship – making the race meeting a busy one for fans to enjoy.
More than 100 drivers from around the state will feature across the nine competing categories, with the supersprint itself making up one fifth of the outright entry list.
A jam-packed schedule of 45 events will run throughout the two-day meeting with each category to enjoy five races apiece, while the supersprint will be split into two groups and will also enjoy five sessions on track.

The club has only recently introduced a combined state championship event and Clerk of Course Rosemary Taylor believes it will inspire Supersprint drivers to consider competing.
“It should be a really good weekend. We have both championships taking place and a lot of the competitors are locals who are keen to get some racing done,” Taylor said.
“It’s certainly going to be a busy weekend but we are all good and organised so we shouldn’t have any major issues.
“Running both the supersprint and the circuit championship is beneficial on all fronts because it allows these more inexperienced individuals to see what it’s like at the next level.
“Sure, there are a number of competitors who just want to do Supersprints, but there are quite a few who get inspired and slowly start developing their cars into one that is acceptable for competition – a lot of the time, they step into regularity and move up from there.
“We introduced it this year because we thought it would be great to combine the two to use it as an incentive. We really encourage the supersprint drivers to consider that option of moving up.”
Click here for all the information on the event.
Fans will be able to attend the event with ticketing available at the gate.
The joint Motorsport Australia Tasmanian Circuit and Supersprint Championship round takes place at Symmons Plains on 2-3 October.  

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