Call for nominations for Motorsport Australia President

Eugene Arocca, the Chief Executive Officer of the Confederation of Australian Motor Sport Ltd, trading as Motorsport Australia, acting in accordance with Clause 40(b) of the Constitution is calling for eligible Category E members, or State Councils, to nominate a person for the position of President for a three year term from 1 January, 2022 to 31 December, 2024.

A person seeking election to the position of President must be a Category A member.

In accordance with Clause 40 (c) of the Constitution, nominations will only be accepted in writing on the prescribed form linked to below. Those being nominated must also certify their willingness to accept the nomination as part of the application.

The nomination form can be downloaded by clicking here.

Nominations will be accepted until 5pm AEDT on Monday 8 November 2021, should be marked PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL and be posted to:

Eugene Arocca
Chief Executive Officer
Motorsport Australia
PO Box 172
Canterbury LPO, VIC 3126

Alternatively, given ongoing postage delays around the country, completed nomination forms will be accepted via email and can be confidentially sent to:

Nicky Lennon (
Secretary of the Motorsport Australia Standing Nominations Committee

Any nomination forms received after the 8 November deadline will not be eligible for inclusion in the election process.

The following timeline applies to this election process:
Term: 3 years (1 January 2022 to 31 December 2024)
Nominations close: 5pm (AEDT), Monday 8 November 2021
Election held: 24 November 2021

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