Movember a timely reminder on men’s health

Movember a timely reminder on men’s health

Movember is a good time for individuals to check up on their health.

As Movember raises vital funds and awareness for men’s health around the globe, Motorsport Australia’s prostate cancer screening offer has been extended.
With the month used to raise awareness of men’s health issues, such as prostate cancer, it’s a good opportunity for males to keep on top of their health. 

Earlier this year, Motorsport Australia partnered up with Artificial Intelligence (Al) diagnostics company, Maxwell Plus, to help motivate its members take action against prostate cancer. 

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in Australian men, as nearly one in six men will be diagnosed with the disease by the age of 85, yet many of the five million men at risk are not taking proper action. 

The partnership between Motorsport Australia and Maxwell Plus will allow Motorsport Australia members to take the test with Maxwell Plus at a subsidised cost, meaning they or their direct families can take part in the non-invasive test which could save their life, or the life of a husband, father, brother or son.

Click here to access the Motorsport Australia Offer.
Already some major Australian motorsport personalities have jumped behind the campaign, including former Formula 1 star Mark Webber.  

Webber spoke with Greg Rust about the Maxwell Plus campaign and the importance of early detection.

For more information on Maxwell Plus, click here.  

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