Season’s Greetings from Motorsport Australia

Season’s Greetings from Motorsport Australia

Motorsport Australia wishes all members a safe festive period and a happy New Year.  
With a busy holiday period underway, all road users will experience more traffic than usual over the next month. 
Motorsport Australia encourages all road users to be safe and allow plenty of time for their journeys, as well as keeping in mind the FIA’s Golden Rules for Road Safety whenever they get behind the wheel. 
Motorsport Australia CEO Eugene Arocca encouraged members to stay safe during the holiday period.  
“We are looking forward to what we hope will be a very busy 2022,” Arocca said. 
“I hope all our members use their summer breaks to rest, recover and recharge for what should be a big 12 months of motorsport. 
“Whether you are using this time to catch up with friends and family or head to your favourite holiday spot, I encourage members to take their time and be responsible and considerate when behind the wheel. 

“While it might take slightly longer to get to your destination, it’s better to arrive safe than not at all. 
“We are very supportive of the FIA’s Golden Rules for Road Safety and recommend people follow these rules  when heading to their destination,  
“On behalf of all of us at Motorsport Australia, we wish everyone a happy and safe Christmas and New Years period.”  

The FIA’s Golden Rules are: 

• Obey the speed limit  
• Never drink and drive  
• Use a child safety seat  
• Always pay attention  
• Buckle up  
• Don’t text and drive  
• Stop when you’re tired  
• Wear a helmet if you ride a bike 
• Check your tyres  
• Stay bright on a bike 
• Check your vision  
• Slow down for kids

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