FFCC opens up to motorsport community

FFCC opens up to motorsport community

The Ford Four Car Club has released the details for their open Sandown events.

The Ford Four Car Club (FFCC) has confirmed the schedule for a number of grassroots Supersprint events later this year as it looks to give Victorians more opportunity to get track time.  
With its five-round club circuit championship season already underway, the club will promote two of the championship’s remaining rounds to external individuals. 
The first upcoming event open to the motorsport community is the club’s iconic FFCC Queens Birthday Sprint and FFCC Driver Training/Come and Try event over the Queens’ Birthday long weekend in June.
Held at Sandown International Raceway on the Sunday of the long weekend, the Sprint has been a staple part of the club’s calendar for more than 30 years and is one of the most popular too. Supported by event sponsors such as SpeedCraft, SP Tools and Atlantic Performance Oils. 

Following Sunday’s Sprint will be the FFCC Driver Training/Come and Try event on Monday, which allows participants to enjoy plenty of track time on the iconic circuit, as well as get training or take part in passenger rides with more experienced drivers. All FFCC Sprint events are supported by the Victorian Flagmarshalling Team.
The next available opportunity for the general motorsport members to run in one of the club’s events at Sandown will be in November as the state celebrates the Melbourne Cup public holiday.
Just like the Queen’s Birthday Sprint, the FFCC Melbourne Cup Sprint is highly popular amongst Motorsport Australia members and acts in the same nature as the June event, this time being the fifth and final round of the club’s championship.
With the club promoting these events to the greater motorsport community in 2022, FFCC Committee Member Craig Dutton believed they are a great opportunity for any Motorsport Australia licence holder or motorsport newcomer.
“The club has been around for more than 50 years and it thrives on events that are open to the community because that’s what grassroots motorsport is all about,” Dutton said.
“The committee decided to welcome everyone to these events because it allows people with little to no experience to get some track time or education at one of the most famous tracks in Australia.
“For anyone new coming, they will have a bucket load of support and plenty of people to lean on throughout, which should give them a great understanding of the sport.
“All three events are very popular but of course, we would always love more people coming because we are always looking at ways of increasing participation and building the sport. 
“They are fantastic events, and we highly encourage anyone interested in doing lots of laps of the circuit to come and enjoy the family-friendly environment.”

The FFCC is also hosting round three of the Till Hino Victorian Rally Championship on  7 May at the Sheen Panel Service Maysville Stages, Gallipoli Park Marysville.
Click here for more information on the Ford Four Car Club

FFCC events at Sandown

12 June – FFCC Queens Birthday Sprint
13 June – FFCC Driver Training/Come and Try
1 November – FFCC Melbourne Cup Sprint
Entries also via Motorsport Australia Event Portal


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