2022 Kalgoorlie entries open

2022 Kalgoorlie entries open

Entries for the Black Diamond Drilling Kalgoorlie Desert Race are now open. (Photo: Dakar Press Team Australia)

BFGoodrich Motorsport Australia Off Road Championship (AORC) crews wanting to contest October’s season finale in Western Australia can now do so.
Entries for the 2022 Black Diamond Drilling Kalgoorlie Desert Race have been opened with AORC crews encouraged to get in early before they miss out.
Click here to enter.
Taking place on the final weekend in October, the AORC season finale will see crews tackling a total of 363 kilometres over three sections.
Starting with Prologue on the Friday afternoon, crews will complete the first lap of the challenging 121-kilometre course on Saturday morning before completing laps two and three on Sunday morning and afternoon.
The event is also hosting the final round Motorsport Australia WA Off Road Championship, which will see state level crews contesting the first two sections.
Click here to read the Supplementary Regulations.
There will also be a special Cash for Dash optional activation where 10 crews will battle it out for $5000 on Friday evening on a special course.
AORC crews have until Friday 30 September to enter the event and can do so here.
Already a number of high-profile crews have entered the event, including AORC title contenders Ryan Taylor and Jake Swinglehurst, WA star Beau Robinson and Prolite driver Mel Brandle.
The Black Diamond Drilling Kalgoorlie Desert Race takes place on 21-23 October.

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