Victorian Government grants supporting clubs

Victorian Government grants supporting clubs

The Victorian Government’s Community Motorsport Program will see 60 clubs receive funding.

Grassroots motorsport is the big winner from the latest round of grants from the Victorian Government.
Sixty projects will share in more than $456,000 from the Government’s Community Motorsport Program.
The grants help motorsport and motorcycling clubs to upgrade safety, train volunteers and officials, boost participation particularly for women and girls and host events.
The latest round of recipients includes Club Resto My Ride in Williamstown, which received $20,000 to update their website and set up a podcast dedicated to female car restoration enthusiasts. The club was also on hand to meet Government ministers at the announcement of the grants together with representatives from Motorsport Australia.
The Community Motorsport Program is part of the Government’s $7.4 million Racing into a New Era for Motorsport initiative.
It’s aimed at addressing gaps in motorsport infrastructure and equipment, training volunteers and officials, supporting young enthusiasts and women to get involved.
Motorsport in Victoria supports more than 4,000 jobs and contributes about $700 million to the Victorian economy.

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