Senior Development Program back for 2023

Senior Development Program back for 2023

Felicity Wood trained as a Technical Delegate for the Senior Official Development Program in 2023. (Photo: Revved Photography)

Motorsport Australia’s Senior Officials Development Program is now accepting expressions of interest for the 2023 season.
Created to provide a pathway of progression for volunteer officials, the program’s aim is to increase the officials talent pool with better trained and more knowledgeable individuals.
Combining both theoretical and practical exercises at national race meetings around the country, the program sees participants gain real life experience where they can put their newfound skills into practice.
Click here to register for the program.
In 2021, 92 volunteer officials applied for a position in the program, with 15 eventually chosen and divided into three different sections.
The three roles on offer for training are a Race Director, Technical Delegate and Steward. 
Felicity Wood was one of the five candidates to train as a Technical Delegate this year, and in the process became one of the first women in the country to hold a senior role within a national category.
Having been the Technical Delegate for the Toyota Gazoo Racing Australia 86 Series, Wood has been enjoying her time in the category.
“I’m the first female for a national series and it’s a wonderful role to be in as we are well supported by Toyota Gazoo Racing Australia,” Wood said.
“I work in the paddock, so I seal gearboxes or I could be marking tires or working with the scrutineering team. I’m really enjoying the officiating, but at that level where it’s the compliance side of things for the cars.
“Being an official gets you in the door and then you can network from there.”
For those who complete the training, the skills acquired can help them move up the officials’ chain, establish better relationships with drivers and have the confidence for problem solving and decision making at events.
Official licence holders can express their interest in taking part in the program simply by filling out an application form here.
The chosen participants for the 2023 program will be announced next month. 

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