Improved club services for 2023

Improved club services for 2023

Motorsport Australia has improved its club services.

Motorsport Australia is pleased to continue its ongoing commitment to supporting affiliated clubs in 2023, with the launch of its improved club services.

With the introduction of some new programs and the development of a number of existing services, clubs are encouraged to take advantage of the services and grow in 2023.

The two new initiatives that make up the new-look services include the free online platform Game Plan and the Grant Writing Assistance service.

Developed by the Australian Sports Commission, Game Plan is designed to help club committees and volunteers build the capability, knowledge and skills necessary to run a sustainable, successful and thriving club.

Once registered on Game Plan, clubs can use the various tools to prioritise, assess, plan and monitor development, providing insights on areas requiring support, while also linking to relevant information, templates and links in an extensive resource library.

Click here to register for access on Game Plan.

Game Plan will also feature as part of the revamped Club Resource Centre available on the Motorsport Australia website. With targeted content specifically for motorsport, the Club Resource Centre will provide clubs with a comprehensive library of information on topics relevant to running a motorsport club. Enthusiast clubs may also benefit from the range of documents and templates amongst the resources.

Explore the Club Resource Centre here.

The second new initiative launching in 2023 is the Grant Writing Assistance support service, which will be available to clubs who require support with funding applications.
Utilising expert grant writers, Red Tape Busters, assistance will be provided to selected clubs to help get the best possible outcomes for their applications.

Affiliated clubs with significant infrastructure or participation projects and those applying for grants of a significant amount are encouraged to submit an expression of interest for the professional help, while Regional Development Executives will continue to provide support for minor grant applications.   

Clubs requiring grants for significant projects are encouraged to fill an EOI form here. 

Club Business Workshops once again return for 2023, with the busy calendar to include a range of webinars aimed at helping individuals improve the operation of their respective clubs.

Covering a range of topics, there will be plenty of webinars for clubs to take part in, including the National Insurance Program webinar, managing club finances, using the Event Entry System, strategic planning, recruitment & retention and more.

View the 2023 calendar and register for workshops.

The Supercheap Auto Club Development Fund also returns in 2023, with round one opening on 1 February. The program provides clubs with an opportunity to apply for funding, which will go towards programs to increase participation as well as innovative or diverse and inclusive initiatives.


Read more about the Supercheap Auto Club Development here.  

Any queries about club services can be directed to Motorsport Australia’s Development Team at or by reaching out directly to your Regional Development Executives.


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