Motorsport Australia's strategic vision

Motorsport Australia’s strategic vision

Motorsport Australia has released its 2023-2025 Strategic Plan,

Motorsport Australia has released its 2023-2025 Strategic Plan, outlining key projects and initiatives to drive the future of motorsport.

The release of the plan coincides with the release of Motorsport Australia’s audited financial result for 2022, ahead of tomorrow evening’s Annual Member forum.

Strategic Plan

This new Strategic Plan sets the course for the future from the grassroots to the elite level of the sport, based around key strategic initiatives across four separate areas:

– Expand and increase participation and engagement in motorsport
– Improve participant experience across all touchpoints
– Secure and improve access to facilities
– Minimise our environmental footprint and commence work towards net-zero carbon dioxide emissions

Each goal is expanded on in the Plan, outlining the key projects that will help Motorsport Australia achieve its goals over the next three years. The measures required to meet these goals are also clearly defined.

The importance of officials to motorsport is confirmed with key initiatives focussing on the recruitment of officials as well as doing everything possible to retain those already involved in the sport. New plans are being developed to assist officials getting started at the grassroots level and to also provide opportunities and further support to event organisers.

Motorsport Australia has spent several years improving its systems and member experience and this remains a major focus heading into the next period of success. An improved member portal with easy-to-use event entry and app experiences will play an important role in providing members with a seamless experience.

An important objective of this Plan is to protect existing facilities and explore the potential for future motorsport centres. Likewise, our environmental goals prioritise our journey towards a more sustainable future for our sport.

Motorsport Australia President Andrew Fraser said the 2023-2025 Strategic Plan provided pathway to build on in the coming years.

“The four clear goals outline the challenges and opportunities that will come our way in future years, as well as giving us the opportunity to innovate, lead and embrace changing technology.

“While the Plan acknowledges our existing strengths, it also clearly outlines the areas we will prioritise to ensure our sport remains strong and sustainable. As a member-based organisation, we exist for our members and that’s clearly our focus.

“As an organisation, we are committed to this plan so that more people enjoy more motorsport more often. Ultimately, the more people involved in the sport the better. Of course, it’s up to Motorsport Australia to drive that growth and not sit on our hands as the world around us changes.”

Motorsport Australia CEO Eugene Arocca encouraged all members to read the Plan and gain an understanding of the organisation’s objectives for the future.

“The 2023-2025 Motorsport Australia Strategic Plan is a significant document outlining our goals and ambitions for the years ahead,” Arocca said.

“While there is a focus on 2023-2025, the Plan also takes a longer-term view on the sport, particularly when it comes to the importance of facilities and the environment.

“We are pleased to say the work on a number of the strategies outlined in the Plan is already well underway.”

That work includes significant developments in the environmental and sustainability area and Motorsport Australia can today confirm it has established an Environment and Sustainability Committee in line with its Climate and Environment Action Plan.

The committee is made up of experienced professionals in the motorsport industry and includes:
– John Murphy – Chair – an experienced and highly respected consultant who has worked with Formula 1, FIA and Motorsport Australia
– Tim Watsford – Supercars’ Innovation and Sustainability Officer
– Colin Trinder – an experienced motorsport consultant who has been involved in previous environmental projects
– Sarah Lowe – Australian Grand Prix Corporation’s Project Officer, Sustainability
– Bradley Eyes – former Dick Johnson Racing team member and sustainability advocate
– Jamie Augustine – Motorsport Australia’s Risk and Safety Manager
– Nicky Lennon – CEO’s Delegate – Motorsport Australia People & Culture Manager
– Chantel Collins – Executive Officer – Motorsport Australia State Administration & Participation Officer

“The Environment and Sustainability Committee has an important role to play and this is an area that we see as a priority and one that we need to get right. The world is changing rapidly and motorsport needs to make sure it continues to be a world leader in innovation and be across government requirements and the best ways for us as a sport to reduce our carbon footprint.” Fraser added.

Click here to read the 2023-2025 Motorsport Australia Strategic Plan.

Financial Result

Motorsport Australia’s 2022 audited Financial result has been confirmed, with strong signs of recovery in the outcome despite ongoing challenges in the operating environment.

Overall the result was a deficit of $288,492, which is an improvement on the loss from last year (2021: $488,550).

Removing the one-off effects of JobKeeper and the sale of a property from the last two years, the normalised EBITDA of Motorsport Australia returned to a surplus in 2022 of $313,697.

Further information and detail on the organisation’s financial result will be made available during the 2023 Motorsport Australia Member Forum, held via an online forum on Wednesday, 3 May at 7.30pm. The details will also be available in the Motorsport Australia Annual Report which will be published this month.

Register to attend the Member Forum.

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