Motorsport Australia fees & charges update

Motorsport Australia fees & charges update

Motorsport Australia President Andrew Fraser has written a letter to all Motorsport Australia members.

A letter from Motorsport Australia President Andrew Fraser.


Inflation pressures which most Australians are observing in general cost-of-living increases continue to impact individuals, businesses and all organisations, including sporting organisations.

Motorsport Australia is certainly not immune to these challenges and cost pressures. Added to this is the reality of ongoing and significant increases in our insurance costs over recent years. To meet the challenge of these rising costs, Motorsport Australia’s Board has brought forward a 15 per cent increase to our 2024 fees and charges as of 1 October 2023.
This increase will apply to all products, with limited exceptions, most notably to our Junior Licence which we will hold at its current price.
We know this won’t be news you want to hear, and it was not a decision we wanted to make. However, when you consider the significant increases in insurance, as well as our general operating costs, we are left with little choice but to pass these costs on, in part, across the sport.
Put simply, the cost of our insurance has risen almost 60 per cent since 2019. During this time Motorsport Australia has been working to absorb these significant increases, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic where we held our fees steady and offered free licence extensions to the majority of our licence holders in what was a very difficult time for everyone.

Our operations have remained lean since this time and all staff worked throughout 2020 and 2021 on reduced salaries to avoid having to pass on significant increases in our fees.


As a member-based, not for profit organisation, the revenue we generate is utilised to invest back into the sport. A key priority as we look ahead is to invest in training, recruiting and retaining Motorsport Australia Officials to allow us all to continue to enjoy the sport we all know and love.


We remain committed to serving you, our members, and remain on hand to answer any queries or concerns you may have. You can contact our membership team during business hours via our hotline (1300 883 959) or via online chat through our dedicated Member Portal at

Andrew Fraser
President – Motorsport Australia

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