Training & Upgrading
Online Registration Forms
Training Modules

At the completion of this training, participants will have identified the positives of being an accredited motorsport official.

The Learning Objectives for this module are:

  • Identify the purpose of Motorsport Australia and the NOP Structure
  • Identify the ethical responsibilities of a motorsport official
  • Identify Motorsport Australia Integrity policies and procedures
  • Identify Gender and Cultural Awareness
  • Identify basic conflict resolution principles
  • Prepare for officiating at a motorsport event
  • Identify the many disciplines within motorsport officiating

Targeted at officials who generally work alongside the competition surface:

Flag, Grid, Pit lane, Communication, Vehicle recovery, General track, Spectator marshals, Boundary riders, Equipment supply, Course car crews, Sector marshals, Judges/starters, Competitor relations, Safety officer.

The Learning Objectives for this module are:

  • Identify the personal resources required to perform various circuit event roles
  • Apply communication techniques appropriate to the various roles of the circuit official in a team environment
  • Identify roles and structure at a circuit event
  • Demonstrate a clear understanding of flag use, radio etiquette techniques and hand signal techniques for circuit events and demonstrated ability to apply them
  • Identify and apply circuit event specific NCRs and regulations
  • Identify the duties of Circuit Officials
  • Illustrate protocols for communicating within a circuit environment
  • Apply Motorsport Australia Safety 1st requirements
  • Identify Motorsport Australia Integrity policies and procedures
  • Identify Gender and Cultural Awareness

The roles of Event Administration include: Organisation of the Event, Distribution of relevant paperwork, Schedule of the Event, Arranging officials, Monitoring and fine tuning the event

The Learning Objectives for this module are:

  • Produce relevant documentation before, during and after the event
  • Apply Regulations and NCRs
  • Demonstrate an understanding of competitor and officiating roles and requirements
  • Apply communication techniques appropriate to the various roles of a motorsport event in a team environment
  • Apply Motorsport Australia Safety 1st requirements
  • Identify Motorsport Australia Integrity in Motorsport principles
  • Identify Motorsport Australia Gender and Cultural Awareness principles

Fire and rescue marshals attend to fires within competition vehicles and on the track and are responsible for the extrication of competitors from their vehicles if required.

The Learning Objectives for this module are:

  • Identify the personal resources required to perform the role of a fire and rescue official
  • Identify the roles and structure at Motorsport Australia events
  • Apply communication techniques appropriate to the fire and rescue official in a team environment
  • Demonstrate conflict resolution techniques
  • Demonstrate an understanding of fire and rescue controls and how to extinguish fires and employ rescue techniques in a motorsport environment
  • Demonstrate understanding of the control of fire and rescue vehicles in response to an incident
  • Apply Motorsport Australia Safety 1st requirements
  • Identify Motorsport Australia Integrity in Motorsport principles
  • Identify Motorsport Australia Gender and Cultural Awareness principles

The Rally and Off Road Official training covers:

Roles of the Senior Officials of the event, Roles of the Road Official, Preparing for the Event, Arriving at the Event, Safety and personal conduct, Checklist of Personal Items, Stage/Control Setup, Securing a Stage in preparation for competition, Control Official/Spectator Marshal, Spectator Marshal, Safety, Communication and Judicial System, After the Event

The Learning Objectives for this module are:

  • Apply communication techniques appropriate to the various roles within a Rally/Off-Road team environment
  • Identify Event Safety management principles at Rally/Off-Road events
  • Resolve environmental impacts at a Rally/Off-Road event
  • Demonstrate protocols for communicating within a Rally/Off-Road environment
  • Apply Regulations and NCRs
  • Apply Motorsport Australia Safety 1st requirements
  • Identify Motorsport Australia Integrity policies and procedures
  • Identify Gender and Cultural Awareness

Scrutineers are responsible for checking the compliance of vehicles and the eligibility and safety requirements of Motorsport Australia National Competition Rules.

The Learning Objectives for this module are:

  • Demonstrate knowledge and application of Scrutineering in a motorsport environment
  • Demonstrate knowledge and application of the relevant Technical Regulations and NCRs
  • Apply communication techniques appropriate to scrutineering within a motorsport environment
  • Apply Motorsport Australia Safety 1st requirements
  • Identify Motorsport Australia Integrity principles
  • Identify Gender and Cultural Awareness principles

Stewards adjudicate upon any dispute or protest arising during a meeting and are also responsible for ensuring the competition is conducted safely.

The Learning Objectives of this module are:

  • Identify the personal resources required to perform the role of a steward
  • Demonstrate judicial procedures at motorsport events
  • Apply communication techniques appropriate to stewarding
  • Identify critical incident procedures and manage it in accordance with the stewards functions
  • Apply Motorsport Australia Safety 1st requirements
  • Identify Motorsport Australia Integrity principles
  • Identify Gender and Cultural Awareness principles

The Time keeper registers competitors times and produces results using timing equipment.

The Learning Objectives of this module are:

  • Operate timing equipment in a motorsport environment
  • Present accurate and credible timing and scoring results
  • Identify and apply Regulations and NCRs
  • Disseminate results in a timely manner 
  • Apply Motorsport Australia Safety 1st requirements
  • Identify Motorsport Australia Integrity policies and procedures
  • Identify Gender and Cultural Awareness

Bronze Officials who seek to progress and assume team leader roles in officiating complete this training. The Silver Module is a generic training module, applicable to all disciplines and focuses on leadership and management.

The Learning Objectives for this module are:

  • Perform management techniques appropriate or relevant to leading a team of officials engaged in the conduct of motorsport events up to a National level.
  • Utilise communication and interpersonal techniques appropriate to deal with a range of motorsport stakeholders.
  • Apply effective Critical Incident Management Techniques.
  • Identify legal issues impacting on motorsport up to and including National level events.

There are currently no training modules for Gold graded licences. Instead, progression to Gold level is achieved through a combination of event assessment, supporting references and peer recommendation.

The assessment criteria for Gold upgrades are:

  • Perform management techniques appropriate or relevant to leading a team of officials engaged in the conduct of a motorsport event at a national and international level
  • Identify legal issues impacting on motorsport up to an including International level events.
  • Utilise communication and interpersonal techniques appropriate to dealing with a range of motorsport stakeholders.

A specialist is defined as those officials who possess specialist qualification/skills for a particular motorsport role.


Course Presenters must hold a Club Chief, Bronze, Silver or Gold officials licence in the relevant category.

The Learning Objectives for this module are:

  • Facilitate learning by using a range of learning methods
  • Plan and review training to take into account participant needs and use a range of learning aids outline the presenter/facilitator’s role in competency-based training.


Event Assessors are officials who conduct observed assessments on Motorsport Australia officials.

An official must hold a minimum bronze licence to obtain an Event Assessor licence. Event Assessors must hold an officials licence that is at least equal to the level for which they are assessing.

The Learning Objectives for this module are:

  • Plan and organise an assessment process
  • Assess the competence of a candidate


This module is designed to up-skill Motorsport Australia Officials in the area of Occupational Health and Safety with an emphasis on the links with the Vet Sector Certificate II unit ‘Apply Safe Work Practices’ in the Certificate II Motorsport.

The Learning Objectives for this module are:

  • Apply safety procedures
  • Apply emergency procedures


This course is designed to provide training to become a Certified and Accredited Testing Official detailing the actions required to select a competitor or official for alcohol testing, through to the reporting and referral to the Stewards of the Meeting following a positive alcohol confirmation reading.

The Learning Objectives for this module are:

  • Create an awareness of the principles of the Motorsport Australia Anti-Doping Policy
  • How to follow the Motorsport Australia alcohol breath testing procedure
  • How to operate a Lion SD 400 Alcolmeter (breathalyser)
  • How to take a random sample from a subject
  • How to fill out the relevant paperwork

The participants of the CATO Training Module must hold a Motorsport Australia Accredited General Officials licence to ensure a basic understanding of the structures and operational roles within motorsport.

Event Assessment

All Event Assessments must be booked via the Motorsport Australia National Office, unless prior approval by Motorsport Australia has been obtained. Access the Event Assessment form by clicking here.

Should you require assistance, please contact Motorsport Australia’s Member Services team or, Motorsport Australia’s Officials Coordinator, and they can assist you with locating an assessor and appropriate event(s).

This process helps ensure that all the administrative elements are met and that the official(s) who conducts your assessment has the required qualifications to do so. This all means your licence upgrade can be processed faster.

Each assessment should be planned prior to getting to the event. You should be contacted by your event assessor(s) before the event to discuss the assessment and what to expect.

Fire and rescue marshals attend to fires within competition vehicles and on the track and are responsible for the extrication of competitors from their vehicles if required.

The Learning Objectives for this module are:

  • Identify the personal resources required to perform the role of a fire and rescue official
  • Identify the roles and structure at Motorsport Australia events
  • Apply communication techniques appropriate to the fire and rescue official in a team environment
  • Demonstrate conflict resolution techniques
  • Demonstrate an understanding of fire and rescue controls and how to extinguish fires and employ rescue techniques in a motorsport environment
  • Demonstrate understanding of the control of fire and rescue vehicles in response to an incident
  • Apply Motorsport Australia Safety 1st requirements
  • Identify Motorsport Australia Integrity in Motorsport principles
  • Identify Motorsport Australia Gender and Cultural Awareness principles

You will then need to submit your completed Event Assessment Form and supporting documentation to the Motorsport Australia National Office for processing (Motorsport Australia Member Services, PO Box 172, Canterbury LPO, Victoria 3126).

You may like to keep a copy of the form for your own records. You can also fill in a record of the Event Assessment in your Motorsport Australia Officials’ Licence Passbook (inside back cover).

If you would like further information on Event Assessments, please contact Motorsport Australia on 1300 883 959 or

Training Resources

An Event Assessment is a required part of the officials licence upgrade process, along with training via the theory training module. If you have any queries on the following information, you can contact us at or call us on 1300 883 959 to discuss further.

Click here to download the Event Assessment information guide

A comprehensive resource covering the National Officiating Program licence structure and pathway, maintenance requirements, training and other relevant information.

This document can be downloaded and saved to a smartphone (e.g. iPhone, Android device) or tablet to be referred to when offline at events. Please ensure that you refer to the Motorsport Australia website for the current version.

Click here to download the Motorsport Australia Officials Licencing and Accreditation Guide

A Recognition of Prior Learning and Experience (RPLE) system has been established for cases where it is not possible or appropriate for an official to follow this standard process. Through the RPLE process, officials can obtain a licence or upgrade, upon meeting criteria.

The process on how to apply for a licence through RPLE is outlined in this document.

Click here to download the RPLE Guide

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