FHR in Speed Events

FHR in Speed Events

Changes are being made to the regulations surrounding the use of Frontal Head Restraints in Speed Events from 2020.

Changes are being made to the regulations surrounding the use of Frontal Head Restraints (FHR) in Speed Events from 2020, for those using vehicles equipped for its use. 

This will mean anyone racing a 1st category vehicle, or car with a CAMS logbook which applies a Race, Rally/Road, Off Road or 5th Category classification, and used in an event applicable to its Log Book classification, requires the mandatory use of a FHR.

The use of FHR will not become mandatory in Speed Events for competitors who will be participating in events without the mandatory use of additional equipment such as a safety cage, safety harness or competition-style seat, such as using a road registered vehicle at a club’s ‘come and try day’.

FHRs are now common place throughout motor sport, providing a significant improvement to the safety of those participating in the sport, especially in the instance of a forward impact incident.

The vast majority of CAMS’ motor sport disciplines require the use of FHR, with various studies showing the benefits, with reduced injuries to the neck by providing additional support to the head through attachments to the helmet.

All competitors will be encouraged to follow this recommendation in 2019, before it becomes compulsory in 2020.

The below change will apply in 2020:


It is mandatory that a FHR compliant with Standard A and a Helmet compliant with Standard A is worn when competing in:
  • Each 1st Category automobile, except for a Superkart or a 5th Category automobile which is exempt from the use of a FHR;
  • Each automobile the subject of a CAMS Log Book which applies a RACE, RALLY/ROAD, OFF ROAD or 5th CATEGORY classification that requires the mandatory use of a FHR.
A vehicle which is road registered will not require the mandatory use of FHR, unless that vehicle is also classified and holds a Log Book as a Race, Rally/Road or Off Road vehicle.


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