Be safe on our roads this festive season

Be safe on our roads this festive season

It’s important all drivers understand their responsibilities when they get behind the wheel.

With another year almost over, the rush to get everything done before the Christmas and New Year period has well and truly begun.

As the roads get busier, it’s important that all drivers understand their responsibilities whenever they get behind the wheel.

The impact of road trauma is significant and it’s not just the direct victims who suffer. When a life is lost on the road, friends and families are impacted greatly and that emotional toll is one no one wants to bear.

Confederation of Australian Motor Sport (CAMS) President Andrew Papadopoulos encouraged all drivers to be safe this festive season.

“While you might be rushing from place to place, or on a last minute dash to pick up some Christmas shopping, all drivers should take a moment to slow down and ensure they aren’t taking any unnecessary risks on our roads,” Papadopoulos said.

“Our families want us home safe and sound to share in the celebrations – it’s always better to be a few minutes late than to risk your own life on the roads by speeding or driving dangerously.

“On behalf of everyone at CAMS, we encourage you to be safe, so you can enjoy your celebrations with family, friends and colleagues.”

CAMS supports the FIA’s Golden Rules for Safer Motoring which are aimed at reducing road trauma worldwide – a staggering 3,500 lives are lost in road traffic crashes every day.


The FIA’s Golden Rules are:

• Obey the speed limit 
• Never drink and drive 
• Use a child safety seat 
• Always pay attention 
• Buckle up 
• Don’t text and drive 
• Stop when you’re tired 
• Wear a helmet if you ride a bike 
• Check your tyres 
• Stay bright on a bike
• Check your vision 
• Slow down for kids

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