F1 Vietnam EOI for Sector Marshals

F1 Vietnam EOI for Sector Marshals

(Photo: Revved Photography)
CAMS is on the lookout for Sector Marshals for the 2020 Vietnam Grand Prix.

CAMS is seeking suitably qualified CAMS Accredited Officials who wish to be considered to participate in the inaugural 2020 Formula 1 Vietnam Grand Prix in April as Sector Marshals.

Expressions of interest are now open for those wishing to fulfil the role, an integral part of the CAMS International Officials Team.

CAMS has been appointed to assist in setting up a new national sporting authority in Vietnam, as well as providing race organisational assistance.

The Officials who are ultimately selected will perform the role of Sector Marshal at the 2020 Vietnam Grand Prix, in addition to training and mentoring their Vietnamese counterparts. CAMS will be selecting a group of 70 officials to act in Chief and Sector Marshal roles at the 2020 event.

Interested persons are required to be available for up to 10 days in April 2020 to assist with pre-event preparations in Vietnam. The event date is still to be confirmed but is anticipated to run from 10-12 April, 2020, subject to FIA’s confirmation.

Applicants must hold a current CAMS Officials Licence and ideally, candidates will hold a Bronze Circuit licence with Sector Marshal experience. A selection panel will assess each application and selection will be based on the following key criteria:

• Experience
• Presentation
• Professionalism
• Leadership qualities
• Ability to train others
• Ability to act as a mentor

• Demonstrated commitment to CAMS training and events

All interested Officials must apply through this EOI process to be considered for a role by the Selection Panel.

Submit your interest here.

Return flights, accommodation and meals will be provided whilst in Vietnam to successful applicants.

This Expression of Interest will close on 1 September, 2019.

CAMS Officials who are interested in participating as a general race official for the event should apply directly when the Vietnamese Motorsports Association open applications later this year.

All enquiries are to be sent to vietnamf1eoi@cams.com.au.

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