Planned Hotline Outage: 29–31 October

Planned Hotline Outage: 29–31 October

In preparation for CAMS moving into its new head office in Melbourne, the CAMS Member Hotline will be unavailable from Tuesday 29 October at midday, until Thursday 31 October at 9:30am.
As previously announced, the CAMS head office will relocate from Malvern East to 275 Canterbury Rd, Canterbury in late October.
To facilitate this move, the membership hotline will be completely offline as the network changes are implemented.
CAMS encourages all members to get in touch in advance, or alternatively to email with any urgent queries.
Other essential member services such as CAMS Event Entry and Members Portal will continue to be operational during this period.
For any questions about this planned outage, please call 1300 883 959 prior to Tuesday 29, October.

As of Thursday 31 October, the CAMS National & Victorian office will be based at 275 Canterbury Road, Canterbury, Victoria. 

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