CAMS Relocation: Building Works Advice

CAMS Relocation: Building Works Advice

CAMS wishes to advise members that due to ongoing construction works at the new CAMS National Office, the Canterbury Road building will remain closed to the general public until at least Wednesday 6 November, 2019.

CAMS Members are advised to please avoid visiting the new Canterbury Road premises to allow sufficient access for construction crews to complete their works.

However, the CAMS Member Services Hotline – 1800 883 959 – will resume service from 9:30am AEDT on Thursday 31 October, 2019.

Please note that direct landline numbers remain inactive during relocation works, and that the email will be your best point of contact to a direct member of staff.

Members are recommended to email specific departments, such as Technical or Membership, for more efficient service. Staff will continue to work remotely during construction.

General enquiries such as licencing, permits or other queries can be made to the CAMS Member Services Hotline on 1300 883 959.

CAMS’ previous Malvern East headquarters has now been vacated during the relocation, however any post received will be forwarded to our new premises to be processed. All correspondence can be delivered to our new building or postal address, which are available here.

Please note that the CAMS National Office & Member Services Hotline will also be shut between Monday 4 November – Tuesday 5 November, 2019 due to the Melbourne Cup public holiday.

CAMS wishes to thank our members for their patience during these relocation works, and we look forward to welcoming you to 275 Canterbury Road in the coming days.


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