Reynolds to CHILL at Sandown

Reynolds to CHILL at Sandown

"Curb The Rage" begins this weekend at the Penrite Oil Sandown 500.
An all-new road rage road safety campaign will be launched at this weekend’s Penrite Oil Sandown 500 with David Raynolds announced as the campaign ambassador.
Titled, ‘Curb The Rage’, the program is aimed at eliminating violence and intimidation on Australian roads through building awareness and other social media measures.
Reynolds, who is known for his larrikin behavior in the Virgin Australia Supercars Championship, feels strongly for the serious issue and was hopeful the initiative could help reduce road rage.
“Road usage in Australia is at an all-time high and with that brings more congestion which is causing more road rage,” said Reynolds.
“In 2002, the Government’s Intergenerational Report forecast our national population would exceed 25 million in 2042. In 2007 the estimate was dropped to 2024. We have now almost exceeded that figure in 2019.
“I think it’s time we brought awareness to the issue and help the community overcome this important challenge. In conjunction with key industry figures and with the help of corporate partners, I want to use my profile in motorsport and bring resolution to the issue.”

Beginning during the Supercars penultimate round at Sandown, a series of campaigns that support ‘Curb The Rage’ will be released with Reynolds’ own “CHILL” – a car air freshener used to help remind drivers to relax when behind the wheel- to start off building the awareness drive. 


A series of parody cologne ads will also be released onto social media channels in support of ‘CHILL’ with the air fresheners available for purchase both at leading automotive retailers and online at
While the campaign will be targeting people through online social media campaigns, there will also be visits to various industries and schools in the hopes to educate drivers with different avoidance and coping mechanisms.
Reynolds believes the visits will help grow the campaign and give people a better perspective and understanding of the dangers of road rage
“By visiting schools and industry I hope to build momentum with the campaign,” Reynolds added.
“This issue is real, it’s having an impact on a lot of lives and the consequences are terrible. Together we can get back to the privilege of driving and our Australian way of life.”
The first month-long part of the campaign, CHILL, will begin as part of the Penrite Oil Sandown 500 on 8 November, with the second campaign, ROAD RAGERS, to take place between 9 March and 10 July 2020.
The third month-long installment of the campaign, EDUCATION, begins in July next year and will be complete in November 2020.

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