Changes to alcohol and illicit drug policies

Changes to alcohol and illicit drug policies

Motorsport Australia CATOs (Certified and Accredited Testing Officials) will continue to test for alcohol in 2020

Motorsport Australia wishes to advise that breaches of the alcohol and illicit drug policy will be published on the Motorsport Australia website as of 1 March 2020.

The Motorsport Australia Board has approved these changes, aimed at further underlining the integrity and safety of the sport.

Previously, Motorsport Australia held a discretion on whether to name those who had breached the Alcohol or Illicit Drug Policy for the first time. However, from 1 March, 2020 this discretion will no longer apply and the names of anyone breaching either policy must now be published. Previously, only second or subsequent offences were published.

Motorsport Australia CEO Eugene Arocca said the publication of names would serve as a further deterrent and encourage all those involved in motorsport to understand the importance of adhering to the policy.

“Motorsport Australia has a commitment to all motorsport participants to provide a safe and fair playing field with the highest levels of integrity,” Arocca said.

“Given the number of overwhelming tests performed each year, the number of infractions is low, but that doesn’t mean we can rest on our laurels and not provide further deterrence to those who think they can get away with doing the wrong thing.”

Motorsport Australia CATOs (Certified and Accredited Testing Officials) will continue to test for alcohol in 2020, while ASADA and other accredited contractors will test for performance enhancing drugs and illicit substances.

The policies apply to all competitors (including co-driver and navigators), officials, team members (including crew), Motorsport Australia contractors or third party contractors attending an event, as well as anyone who agrees to be bound by the Policy (for example, any Motorsport Australia accreditation holders).

In 2019, there were 10 breaches of the Alcohol Policy that would have resulted in publication of names under the new policy.

To read the new policies in full:
• Alcohol Testing Policy
• Illicit Drugs in Sport Testing Policy

Example of a breach of the policy and steps taken:

A competitor blows 0.03 on the breathalyser when tested for alcohol by a CATO at a Motorsport Australia event (the maximum allowable blood alcohol concentration (BAC) is 0.010 as displayed on the breathalyser).

Immediate action (as per existing policy):
The CATO advises Stewards of the positive test, where the Steward is then required to disqualify the competitor for the day under the policy. They are eligible to return the next day (if applicable).

Following the breach (as per existing policy):
Motorsport Australia is advised of the breach and notes the breach.

Publishing the breach (new as of 1 March 2020):
Once advised, Motorsport Australia will publish the breach for a period of three months on

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