2020 Tatts Finke Desert Race Cancellation

2020 Tatts Finke Desert Race Cancellation

Statement provided by Tatts Finke Desert Race

The Finke Desert Race Club committee held an emergency meeting tonight to discuss the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak on this year’s Tatts Finke Desert Race.
With the limitations placed on large gatherings by the Australian Government along with Northern Territory Government advice restricting travel to remote communities; the Finke committee has decided to cancel the 2020 Tatts Finke Desert Race.
For the first time in 44 years, there will be no Finke weekend celebrated in Central Australia by locals and 7000 interstate visitors.
Postponement to later in the year was not considered an option.  Details on refunds for competitors will be forthcoming. The next event planned is for June 2021.
This is a disappointing day for organisers and all concerned, but the decision taken is the right one.  Public health is too important.

Antony Yoffa
Finke Desert Race

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