To our passionate motorsport community,
I write to provide you with a further update as we deal with the continued fallout from the COVID-19 pandemic.
As you might have seen in recent weeks, sporting bodies across Australia, and around the world, have been forced to make extreme changes to the way they operate during this period of uncertainty.
Motorsport Australia is no different and we have had to look at every single facet of our operations during this time.
With the various restrictions placed on everyone’s movements, both federal and state governments have rightly put the brakes on our sport for the time being. Understandably, this has had an impact on our ability to operate as the peak body for motorsport in Australia.
In light of these extraordinary and unprecedented circumstances, our employees have agreed to a reduction in their pay and working hours across the board, including our senior management team who were among the first to take pay reductions several weeks ago. This was certainly a tough request to deliver to our staff, however they all understood the situation we now find ourselves in. Their passion and loyalty has never been in doubt and it has been heart-warming to see the way in which we have all come together as an organisation to fight for our sport’s long-term future, despite the tough decisions that have been forced upon us.
In recent days you would have seen the Federal Government’s $130 billion JobKeeper initiative come into effect. This wage subsidy has essentially ensured that we did not have to stand down any staff in the short term, which prior to this announcement was certainly a real prospect that our senior management team had been considering. We are very thankful for the Federal Government’s support of all employers across Australia. In our case, it will ensure that we can look after our people in the tough months that lie ahead.
Our workforce is loyal, passionate and committed to growing motorsport at all levels and this decision to reduce pay for all staff was not made lightly. We know we have a responsibility to our sport to ensure Motorsport Australia can continue to operate and thrive for many decades to come.
As mentioned above, our people will be supported through these changes and we have also allowed staff to take any annual leave or long-service leave during this period.
Whilst events drive our sport, it is the loyal and unconditional support and passion of our member clubs, officials, competitors and staff that collectively drives Motorsport Australia.
You may have seen a number of events scheduled for the coming months being postponed, rather than cancelled – this is a positive sign that the latter half of 2020 could end up being one of the busiest few months in recent years. We will of course be ready for this influx of events, permit applications and many other queries that will no doubt result from the ‘restart’ of our great sport, once we are through the worst of this global pandemic.
In closing, I’d like to thank all our members for their ongoing support and understanding during this time. We know many of you are struggling with your own businesses or employment situations, but the attitudes, comments and support of those who have been in contact with us has been overwhelmingly positive, highlighting the sport’s ability to get through any crisis together. More importantly, it illustrates just how fortunate we are to have members who truly care about our sport.
If you do need to reach out to us at this time, please note that while the Motorsport Australia offices remain closed, our membership hotline is open for any queries, and we can be reached on 1300 883 959. You can also email us, or head to our website – – to find the latest information about the ongoing situation and its impact on our sport. We will endeavour to provide you with regular updates as the situation unfolds.
Eugene Arocca
Motorsport Australia CEO