Officials Working Group - Motorsport Australia

In order to preserve Motorsport Australia’s reputation and safeguard our officials program, Motorsport Australia commissioned the Officials Working Group.

Through extensive stakeholder engagement, the Working Group developed 37 recommendations to address these challenges, support our officials and ensure our program remains the best in the world.


The working group identified the following 37 recommendations:

Documentation, policies, and procedures related to officiating in motorsport events. (Immediate Priority)

Improve the search function and content organisation on the website to facilitate easier navigation and access to up-to-date resources. 

Create clear job descriptions and comprehensive training materials for officials to reduce ambiguity and enhance consistency in their roles. 

Invest in upgrading the digital infrastructure supporting member activity (portal, event entry) to streamline processes and improve user experience. 

Develop comprehensive training resources and guides to support officials at all levels of experience and ensure transparency in career progression and pathways.

Create a centralised online repository for all officials documentation to ensure easy access and efficient dissemination of information. 

Technological infrastructure and tools available to support officials in their roles. (Immediate Priority)
  • Fully integrate all IT assets including website, member portal, volunteer portal, mobile app, and accreditation systems.  
  • Enhance functionalities and user-friendliness to better serve the aging demographic of the member base. 
  • Digitise passbooks, logbooks, event reports, and other procedures to improve efficiency, accuracy and to address fatigue management issues. 
  • Implement contingency plans to address potential technology failures during events.
  • Implement technology to improve reporting capabilities, including the ability to produce state-specific statistics and identify trends. 
  • Utilise data for better understanding of active officials, planning retention strategies, and addressing decline in certain areas. 
  • Utilise technology such as QR code systems for fast sign-on and implement communication systems for officials in remote areas, particularly for road closure officials.
  • Implement apps with offline access to critical incident guides, flag guides, event contacts, and schedules to assist officials during events.
  • Explore integration of apps for streamlined sign-ins and tracking of officials’ hours.
  • Develop systems that allow for state-specific reporting and analysis, providing better insights for strategic planning and support. 
Fostering a safe, welcoming, respectful and inclusive culture. (Immediate Priority)
  • A high priority should be placed on investing resources into compliance with the latest standards recognising the moral, legal, and business imperatives of having a safe, respectful, diverse and inclusive culture at work.
  • Assess and update all Officials Safety Policies to align with the latest and best practices, especially regarding physical and psychological well-being of officials.
Current training programs, content, delivery methods and effectiveness. (Medium-term Priority)
  • Conduct a thorough assessment of the training needs of Motorsport Australia officials, considering both entry-level and high-performance/senior-level training requirements.
  • This assessment should involve input from officials, trainers, and industry experts to identify gaps and areas for improvement.
  • Establish a structured coaching and mentoring program aimed at providing guidance and support for officials at all levels which includes mentorship opportunities, skill development workshops, and resources for continuous learning.
  • Investment in qualified coaches and mentors is essential to facilitate skill advancement and meet international standards.
  • Review and enhance existing online training modules to improve content quality, interactivity, and user engagement.
  • Consider incorporating interactive media, simulations, and case studies to make the training more impactful and relevant.
  • Promote behavioural training and compliance modules, integrating the Respect Code and legislative requirements.
  • Invest in upgrading the LMS system to address usability issues, enhance user experience, and align with modern training standards.
  • Ensure seamless integration with other platforms, such as Octozy, for streamlined record-keeping and data management. The updated LMS should support flexible learning formats and enable easy access to training materials.
  • Develop structured training and development pathways for officials seeking role progression or skill development. This includes establishing clear criteria for advancement, offering specialised training programs for different roles, and providing ongoing support and feedback through coaching and mentoring initiatives. 
Organisational structure and management practices related to officiating in Motorsport Australia. (Medium-term Priority)
  • Allocate additional resources to drive clearer articulation and communication of roles and pathways, better mentorship opportunities, and improved communication of compliance updates.
  • Conduct a comprehensive assessment of officials panels to evaluate their efficiency, effectiveness, contribution to the officiating program and the need for the panels to continue to exist.
  • Invest in resources to reduce reliance on volunteer groups for managing resource allocation and other essential tasks.
  • Implement measures to integrate administrative functions more efficiently and reduce unnecessary bureaucracy. This streamlining enhances consistency, efficiency, and overall effectiveness while minimising reliance on volunteer resources.
Strategies and resources allocated to recruit and retain officials including the effectiveness of current initiatives and improvements to attract and retain a diverse pool of talented and motivated officials. (Medium-term Priority)
  • Establish a collaborative relationship with clubs, recognising their importance in the recruitment and retention of officials.
  • Collaborate with clubs to develop tools and support systems for recruiting and retaining officials, requiring additional resources for effective implementation.
  • Offer a range of incentives for officials, such as additional merchandise, food, unique experiences, and opportunities, to enhance their event experience and boost retention rates.
  • Establish strategies to reduce costs of officiating.
  • Develop a strategic approach to guide new officials towards other events at national, state, and club levels beyond the initial event they join.
  • Ensure that the first experience of new officials is positive to encourage their continued involvement.
  • Review pathways and ensure they are fluid, while also investing in professional development opportunities for officials, particularly for senior roles.
  • Make it easier for individuals to become officials by simplifying the recruitment process and ensuring a prompt response to applications.
  • Motorsport Australia should undertake the development of a comprehensive officials’ strategy encompassing both recruitment and retention initiatives.
  • Develop innovative ideas and strategies to address recruitment and retention beyond routine licence communications.
  • Promote officials and their pathway through various avenues or initiatives and allocate resources for professional development, particularly in areas lacking key official roles.
  • Prioritise attention to the top level of officials to set a professional standard that trickles down to lower levels.
  • Motorsport Australia should provide meaningful opportunities for volunteers to engage with the sport, acknowledging the importance of a two-way relationship.
Officiating incidents, performance evaluations, and feedback from participants – including Stewards Panels. (Long-term Priority)
  • Implement a consistent method for monitoring and assessing officials’ performance including a uniform way of delivering feedback.
  • Provide clear procedures and comprehensive training to officials on reporting incidents.
  • Integrate a new incident reporting system with existing systems to streamline operations and data management.
  • Review and provide feedback on all issues raised by officials and clubs/event organisers to ensure transparency in the process and actions taken on reported incidents.
  • Include performance evaluations and feedback mechanisms as part of development, training, and pathway modules for officials.
Benchmark motorsport officiating against best practices in other sports and relevant international standards. (Long-term Priority)
  • Make refresher courses mandatory for all officials as a condition to renew their licence with a preference that it should be completed within the last year of their current accreditation.
  • Include maintenance conditions for Bronze licences to encourage officials to be active.
  • Review and revise the current licence grading to align with a more simple and universal structure.
  • Build a dedicated online hub for officials to learn, train, locate documents and share officiating knowledge.
  • Build a dedicated Officials’ High-Performance Centre at the proposed Home of Victorian Motorsport controlled by Motorsport Australia.

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