Licence Structure & Pathway
The Motorsport Australia Accredited Official licencing structure has two parts: Graded Officials Licences and Non Graded Officials Licences.
Graded Officials Licences
- Four grading levels (General, Bronze, Silver, Gold)
- Available to all Motorsport Australia Accredited Officials
Non Graded Officials Licences
- Two types: Specialist Licence and Appointed Licence
- Specialist Licences are for officials:
- with professional qualifications
- have completed Specialist Motorsport Australia delivered training
- Appointed Licences are for those:
- who have been appointment by the management of Motorsport Australia
Officials Pathway
Once you have signed up as Motorsport Australia Official, you can begin the pathway at your own pace.
Once you have progressed to a Bronze Official you may choose to specialise in a specific discipline. Each of the disciplines has an associated training module. For more information on training modules, visit Training.
An official may hold different levels of different disciplines of officiating at any one time (e.g. they could be a Gold Steward and a Bronze Rally Official).

Graded Officials Levels
General Official
- Officials who work under direct or indirect supervision at events, depending on their amount of motorsport officiating experience.
Bronze Official
- Officials qualified to officiate without supervision
- Capable of performing the role of team-leader (may take responsibility for other officials)
- Officiating as Chief up to and including State level events
- Act as General Official at any level event
Silver Official
- Officials with motorsport officiating experience qualified to work without supervision
- Capable of assuming a team-leader role (and taking responsibility for other officials)
- Officiating as Chief up to and including National level events
- Act as a General Official at any level event
Gold Official
- Officials with motorsport officiating experience qualified to work without supervision
- Capable of assuming a team-leader role (and taking responsibility for other officials)
- Officiating as Chief up to and including International level events
- Act as a General Official at any level event