FIA Historic Technical Passport (HTP)

The following timeline is a guide for an FIA HTP application and represents a best case scenario. The total process should take 16 weeks with little change required of the application required. This number is only a guide as the application process could be shorter or longer pending arrangements and outcomes.

FIA Historic Technical Passport (HTP): Procedure & Timeline

a. Applicant contacts Motorsport Australia and requests HTP Application forms.

b. Request is sent by Motorsport Australia to HTP Application Committee.

c. With “in-principal” approval from HTP Application Committee, the HTP Application Forms are sent to Applicant.

d. Confirm location of vehicle and if vehicle is to be shipped overseas in less than six weeks of the date of application, the application will not be processed.

a. Documentation is completed and submitted by Applicant to Motorsport Australia.

b. HTP Application Fees paid to Motorsport Australia by Applicant.

c. Document 1 received: HTP Form (including Page 27 ROPS declaration).

d. Document 2 received: HTP Application Form (Applicant details).

e. Document 3 received: All supporting documents.

a. HTP Application to sent to the HTP Application Committee for preliminary review for mistakes and necessary corrections.

b. Correspondence between Applicant and HTP Application Committee sent via Motorsport Australia. Issues may include HTP document amendments, vehicle non-compliances, rectification work etc.

a. HTP Application Committee appoints Motorsport Australia Eligibility Officer to inspect the vehicle.

b. Applicant makes contact with Eligibility Officer and schedules an inspection.

a. Eligibility Officer issues inspection report to HTP Application Committee and Motorsport Australia.

b. Document 4 received: HTP Inspection Report.

a. Following approval by the HTP Application Committee, Motorsport Australia sends to the HTP Application and any supporting documentation to the FIA for review.

b. Correspondence between Applicant and FIA is sent via Motorsport Australia. Issues may include HTP documentation amendments, vehicle non-compliances, rectification work etc.

c. Correspondence between Applicant, Motorsport Australia and FIA to be copied to HTP Application Committee.

a. Rectification work to the vehicle (as required by the FIA) is completed by the Applicant.

b. Vehicle re-inspection is scheduled by the Applicant.

c. Vehicle Inspection is completed by Eligibility Officer to confirm rectification works are in accordance with FIA requirements.

d. Applicant provides Motorsport Australia with updated vehicle information and photos as required to be included in updated HTP Application Forms.

e. Rectification work may be confirmed via photo (with approval from the HTP Application Committee).

a. Motorsport Australia sends the updated HTP Application to the FIA for further review.

b. HTP is accepted by the FIA.

a. HTP is produced by Motorsport Australia and the document and FIA sticker sent to/picked up by Applicant.

b. Electronic/soft copy is retained by Motorsport Australia and front page is sent to HTP Application Committee.

a. Each car will be identified by a number and barcode endorsed on an FIA tamper-proof sticker affixed to both the vehicle and HTP.

b. Applicant confirms FIA sticker has been applied via photo.

a. Motorsport Australia confirms with Applicant whether the vehicle has a Motorsport Australia Historic Log Book.

b. If not, and the Applicant wishes to compete in Australia, Application for HTP Log Book form is completed by Applicant and submitted to Australian Historic Motorsport Commission (AHMC).

c. The issue of a log book for a vehicle where the original date of manufacture is not within the relevant group period must have the specific approval of the AHMSC.

d. AHMSC approves Application and Motorsport Australia Historic Department issues HTP Log Book.

The following timeline is a guide for the expiration date for dormant applications and timelines for applications;

• Nil activity for one calendar year from last contact in regards to the application (letter sent). 
• Nil activity for two years and no response to Motorsport Australia’s letter, application is considered nullified and will require a fresh application and fee should the application wish to be progressed.

Note: Should the applicant be in touch with Motorsport Australia or their representatives (HEO) and Motorsport Australia are made aware of the status and circumstances of the application, further time shall be granted.

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