Illicit Drugs in Sport

The Motorsport Australia Illicit Drugs in Sport (IDiS) program was established as part of the Australian Government's ‘Illicit Drugs in Sport – National Education and Action Plan’ initiative.

When the IDiS program commenced in 2009, Motorsport Australia embarked on a campaign of influencing attitudes by educating motor sport participants and the general community about the dangers of illicit drug use, including damage to their health, their life time social responsibilities and, in particular, the health and safety implications of participating in motorsport while affected by drugs.

In addition to educating motor sport participants about the dangers associated with illicit drug use, Motorsport Australia Safety Testing is carried out on participants to detect illicit drugs and enforce penalties such as exclusion from meetings, drug counselling and fines.

This authority comes following Board approval of the ‘Motorsport Australia Illicit Drugs in Sport (Safety Testing) Policy’ in 2014. Periodic updates of the policy have since been conducted to ensure best practice is maintained.

Educational material is continually being developed and updated via this website in order to communicate the key messages of the Motorsport Australia IDiS program to the motor sport community, including:  

• Illicit drug use is harmful to your health
• Illicit drug use can affect your sporting performance
• Illicit drug use can affect your reputation and sporting career
• Illicit drug use can affect your team
• Illicit drug use can impact on the community who support you
• Participating in sport supports a healthy lifestyle.

Further materials, including illicit drug fact sheets, are available for download. Please follow the relevant links to download a copy of the current policy and other associated documents.


Online Education

Free for anyone to access, IDiS Online Education seeks to provide practical tools and strategies to assist competitors, officials and support staff to make appropriate choices when faced with illicit drug issues.  A number of difference courses are available including:

IDiS athlete course: follows the story of four athletes who have it all in front of them and demonstrates the impact of their decisions;
IDiS coaches course: provides the skills and knowledge coaches need to help athletes, set a behavioural standard, monitor it and take remedial action;
IDiS officer course: provides the resources for sports administrators to implement an IDiS programme within their sport;
IDiS presenter course: provides the resources required to deliver IDiS workshops for sporting organisations; and
IDiS athlete role model course: provides resources athletes need to deliver an IDIS workshop.

Motorsport Australia encourages all competitors, officials and the wider motorsport community to undertake the relevant IDiS Online Education course.

To access IDiS Online Education click here to be redirected to the Department of Health’s portal.


Further Information

Codeine Information
Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUE)
Doping Control (Testing)
FIA Race True
ASADA E-Learning
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